865 - からには

JLPT N3: からには (now that...; since...; seeing as...)

As you likely know by now, から is used in a variety of ways in Japanese.

Here, we're looking at how からには can be said when describing the natural or obvious conclusion, advice, etc. that follows a given situation.

The pattern is:

[situation] からには [(natural) conclusion, advice, opinion, etc.]


For example, let's say that I decided to get a degree online. Then I start researching all of the steps involved, and it sounds like a lot of work. I say that maybe school isn't for me, after all.

My mom (who has turned Japanese, apparently) tells me:

やる と きめた からには、 さいご まで やりなさい。
Once you’ve decided to do something, see it through. // You’ve decided to do it, so do it all the way.
Literally: “do + と + decided + からには, + end / finish + until + do (=[command]).”

situation = you have decided to do it
(natural) conclusion / advice = see it through / finish doing it / do it all the way
↓ ↓ ↓
You've decided to do it からには see it through!
↓ ↓ ↓
Once you’ve decided to do something, see it through. // You’ve decided to do it, so do it all the way.

Make sense?


👷 Construction 👷

Just put a plain-form word in front of からには.

If there is a NOUN or na-adjective before からには, we would need to also insert である. This would be less common in spoken language, in which である isn't used all that much.

You'll often be seeing plain-form verbs before からには. That is also what we've used for all of the example sentences in this lesson.


かのじょ が あんな こと を いう からには、 なにか じじょう が ある にちがいない。
She must have a (good) reason for saying something like that.
Literally: “she + が + that kind of + thing + を + say + からには, + something + circumstances / situation + が + has / there is + no doubt.”

ヨハネス さん が うち に くる からには、 ごちそう を ようい しないと。
I have to prepare a feast now that Johannes-san is coming to visit.
Literally: “Johannes-san + が + home + に + come + からには, + feast + を + preparation + must do (=if [I] don't do [=don’t do + と]).”

がくひ を はらって もらっている からには、 いい せいせき を とって りょうしん を よろこばせたい。
My parents are paying my tuition, so I want to make them happy by getting good grades.
Literally: “tuition / school fees + を + pay (and) + am receiving + からには, + good + grades / marks + を + take (and) + (both) parents + を + want to make happy.”


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