931 - とは限らない(とはかぎらない)

JLPT N3: とは限らない(とはかぎらない // not necessarily [true that...]; doesn't necessarily [mean that...]

とは限らない (とはかぎらない) is a phrase that can be used when you want to point out that something is not necessarily true.

It works like this:

[statement] とは限らない
(it's) not necessarily (true that) [statement]

For example, let's say that this is our "statement:"

こうきゅう レストラン の りょうり は おいしい
food from fancy restaurants tastes good
Literally: “high-class + restaurants + の + cooking + は + tasty”

Well, that statement's not really correct, is it? The food at some fancy restaurants is nothing to write home about.

We can use とは限らない to point out that this statement is not necessarily true:

こうきゅう レストラン の りょうり が、 かならずしも おいしい とはかぎらない。
Food from fancy restaurants doesn’t necessarily always taste good.
Literally: “high-class + restaurants + の + cooking + が, + necessarily + tasty + とは限らない.”
Note: Adverbs like 必ずしも (かならずしも // [not] always; [not] necessarily) often pair up with とは限らない.

By the way, you'll notice that our full sentence has 料理が and not 料理は, as this sounds more natural. Trying to explain why it sounds more natural would take a lot of time and effort for both you and me. Luckily, you should start to get a feel for what sounds natural as you get more exposure to Japanese.


👷 Construction 👷

This one is simple:

Plain-Form Wordとは限らない

That's it!


Here is another statement that we'll negate:

この しごと も いつか エーアイ に うばわれない
this job won’t be taken over by AI someday
Literally: “this + work / job + も + someday + AI + に + won’t be stolen”
Note: This Japanese phrase doesn't sound natural in isolation, but it works in our full sentence below.

The negation can be achieved with とは限らない

この しごと も いつか エーアイ に うばわれない とはかぎらない
there’s no guarantee this job won’t be taken over by AI someday
Literally: “this + work / job + も + someday + AI + に + won’t be stolen + とは限らない."

Last, in our full sentence, the speaker is talking about what he is going to do in response to this situation:

この しごと も いつか エーアイ に うばわれない とはかぎらない から、 あたらしい スキル を みにつけない と。
There’s no guarantee this job won’t be taken over by AI someday, so I need to learn some new skills.
Literally: “this + work / job + も + someday + AI + に + won’t be stolen + とは限らない + because (=から), new + skills + を + don't learn (=body + に + don't affix) + と.”


I mentioned earlier that adverbs like 必ずしも (かならずしも // [not] always; [not] necessarily) often pair up with とは限らない.

とは限らない is also best friends with the phrase からといって, which is an N2 grammar point that means something like "just because:"

いい だいがく を でた からといって、 いい しごと に つける とはかぎりません。
Just because someone graduated from a good college doesn’t mean they’ll get a good job.
Literally: “good + university + を + came out + just because, + good + work / job + に + can get employed + とは限りません.”

The sentence above is pretty formal, which is why we have both とは限りません (as opposed to とは限らない) and からといって.

In the following, more casual sentence, we have からって instead of からといって...

クララさん は フランスじん なんだ から、 チーズ が すき に きまってる よ。
Clara-san is French, so of course she likes cheese.
Literally: “Clara-san + は + French person + なんだ + because (=から), + cheese + が + like + に +  is (being) decided + よ.”

フランスじん だ からって、 チーズ が すき だ とはかぎらない よ。
Just because she’s French doesn’t mean she likes cheese.
Literally: “French person + だ + just because, + cheese + が + liked + だ + とは限らない + よ.”


That's all for this one.

If you want to check out some fairly similar grammar points, take a look at these:

[NDL #506] - JLPT N3: ことは~が
[NDL #930] - JLPT N3: わけではない
[NDL #577] - JLPT N2: というものではない

But if you're feeling very excited about studying the uses of the verb 限る (かぎる), you'll probably want to check out these lessons, too...

- [NDL #625] - JLPT N3: に限る
- [NDL #458] - JLPT N2: 限り (so long as)
- [NDL #465] - JLPT N2: 限り (as much as possible)
- [NDL #535] - JLPT N2: ~ない限り
- [NDL #777] - JLPT N2: 限りでは
- [NDL #543] - JLPT N1: 限りだ
- [NDL #669] - JLPT N1: を限りに
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