912 - をとおして (through)
JLPT N3: を通して (をとおして // through; by; via)
We already saw how を通して (をとおして) can mean "throughout:"
ほっかいどう で は、 いちねん をとおして さまざまな さくもつ が そだちます。
In Hokkaido, a wide variety of crops are grown throughout the year.
Literally: “Hokkaido + で + は, + one + year + を通して + various + crops + が + are raised.”
...much like を通じて (をつうじて) can mean "throughout:"
わたしたち にんげん は、 ながい れきし をつうじて あやまち を くりかえして きました。
Throughout history, we humans have made mistake after mistake.
Literally: “we + humans + は, + long + history + を通じて + error + を + repeat (and) + came.”
And just like を通じて (をつうじて) can also mean "through," "by," or "via:"
いま の つま と は きょうつう の ちじん をつうじて しりあいました。
I met my current wife through a mutual friend.
Literally: “now + の + wife + と + は + mutual + の + acquaintance + を通じて + got to know.”
...so too can を通して (をとおして) mean "through," "by," or "via:"
りょこうがいしゃ をとおして ぷさん の ホテル を よやく した。
I booked a hotel in Busan through a travel agency.
Literally: “travel agency + を通して + Busan + の + hotel + を + reservation + did.”
More specifically, in this lesson we're looking at how を通して (をとおして) is used when talking about the intermediary through which something is done.
Like we saw before, the word directly before を通して (をとおして) will be a NOUN.
Are を通じて (をつうじて) and を通して (をとおして) exactly the same?
Agh! Difficult question!
Yeah, they mean pretty much the same thing.
One difference is that を通して (をとおして) is more likely to describe the intermediary through which something was done.
Yeah, we can do this with を通じて (をつうじて), too. But を通じて (をつうじて) is also commonly used to describe the means by which something is done. You won't see that as much with を通して (をとおして).
That explains why all of the example sentences for を通して (をとおして) in this lesson are describing intermediary relationships:
りょこうがいしゃ をとおして
through a travel agency
だいさんしゃ をとおして
through a third party
がっこう をとおして
through a school
いとうさん をとおして
through Ito-san
Conversely, in the previous lesson we saw:
まんが を つうじて
by (reading) manga
Full sentence:
アニメ や まんが をつうじて、 にほん ぶんか へ の りかい を ふかめる こと が できました。
I was able to get a deeper understanding of Japanese culture by watching anime and reading manga.
Literally: “anime + や + manga + を通じて, + Japan + culture + へ + の + understanding + を + deepen + thing + が + was able to do.”
Manga is not an intermediary through which something was done. It is a means by which something was done.
If you're like me, and you're finding this distinction to be somewhat difficult to grasp, there is an easy solution: Just don't worry about it.
I mean, really, who cares? I certainly don't. And I suspect that people who do might put me to sleep.
Nothing teaches quite like example sentences...
りこん の はなしあい は べんごし など の だいさんしゃ をとおして おこなう ほう が スムーズ に いきます。
Divorce discussions go much smoother if done through a third party, such as a lawyer.
Literally: “divorce + の + discussion + は + lawyer + or such + の + third party + を通して + carry out + way / direction + が + smooth + に + go.”
がっこう をとおして もうしこむ と、 じゅけんりょう が すこし やすく なります。
If you apply through your school, examination fees are slightly cheaper.
Literally: “school + を通して + if (you) apply, + examination fees + が + slightly / little + become cheaper.”
いとうさん をとおして の おみあい の はなし は、 けっきょく なし に なった。
In the end, the omiai Ito-san was going to set up fell through.
Literally: “Ito-san + を通して+ の + omiai + の + talk + は, + in the end / after all + nothing + に + became.”
Note: An "omiai" is a bit like a blind date, though not nearly as casual. It's an arranged meeting between two people who may consider the possibility of marriage in the future. It's not as common these days.
You're now done learning about を通して (をとおして) and を通じて (をつうじて).
Complete and Continue
We already saw how を通して (をとおして) can mean "throughout:"
ほっかいどう で は、 いちねん をとおして さまざまな さくもつ が そだちます。
In Hokkaido, a wide variety of crops are grown throughout the year.
Literally: “Hokkaido + で + は, + one + year + を通して + various + crops + が + are raised.”
...much like を通じて (をつうじて) can mean "throughout:"
わたしたち にんげん は、 ながい れきし をつうじて あやまち を くりかえして きました。
Throughout history, we humans have made mistake after mistake.
Literally: “we + humans + は, + long + history + を通じて + error + を + repeat (and) + came.”
And just like を通じて (をつうじて) can also mean "through," "by," or "via:"
いま の つま と は きょうつう の ちじん をつうじて しりあいました。
I met my current wife through a mutual friend.
Literally: “now + の + wife + と + は + mutual + の + acquaintance + を通じて + got to know.”
...so too can を通して (をとおして) mean "through," "by," or "via:"
りょこうがいしゃ をとおして ぷさん の ホテル を よやく した。
I booked a hotel in Busan through a travel agency.
Literally: “travel agency + を通して + Busan + の + hotel + を + reservation + did.”
More specifically, in this lesson we're looking at how を通して (をとおして) is used when talking about the intermediary through which something is done.
Like we saw before, the word directly before を通して (をとおして) will be a NOUN.
Are を通じて (をつうじて) and を通して (をとおして) exactly the same?
Agh! Difficult question!
Yeah, they mean pretty much the same thing.
One difference is that を通して (をとおして) is more likely to describe the intermediary through which something was done.
Yeah, we can do this with を通じて (をつうじて), too. But を通じて (をつうじて) is also commonly used to describe the means by which something is done. You won't see that as much with を通して (をとおして).
That explains why all of the example sentences for を通して (をとおして) in this lesson are describing intermediary relationships:
りょこうがいしゃ をとおして
through a travel agency
だいさんしゃ をとおして
through a third party
がっこう をとおして
through a school
いとうさん をとおして
through Ito-san
Conversely, in the previous lesson we saw:
まんが を つうじて
by (reading) manga
Full sentence:
アニメ や まんが をつうじて、 にほん ぶんか へ の りかい を ふかめる こと が できました。
I was able to get a deeper understanding of Japanese culture by watching anime and reading manga.
Literally: “anime + や + manga + を通じて, + Japan + culture + へ + の + understanding + を + deepen + thing + が + was able to do.”
Manga is not an intermediary through which something was done. It is a means by which something was done.
If you're like me, and you're finding this distinction to be somewhat difficult to grasp, there is an easy solution: Just don't worry about it.
I mean, really, who cares? I certainly don't. And I suspect that people who do might put me to sleep.
Nothing teaches quite like example sentences...
りこん の はなしあい は べんごし など の だいさんしゃ をとおして おこなう ほう が スムーズ に いきます。
Divorce discussions go much smoother if done through a third party, such as a lawyer.
Literally: “divorce + の + discussion + は + lawyer + or such + の + third party + を通して + carry out + way / direction + が + smooth + に + go.”
がっこう をとおして もうしこむ と、 じゅけんりょう が すこし やすく なります。
If you apply through your school, examination fees are slightly cheaper.
Literally: “school + を通して + if (you) apply, + examination fees + が + slightly / little + become cheaper.”
いとうさん をとおして の おみあい の はなし は、 けっきょく なし に なった。
In the end, the omiai Ito-san was going to set up fell through.
Literally: “Ito-san + を通して+ の + omiai + の + talk + は, + in the end / after all + nothing + に + became.”
Note: An "omiai" is a bit like a blind date, though not nearly as casual. It's an arranged meeting between two people who may consider the possibility of marriage in the future. It's not as common these days.
You're now done learning about を通して (をとおして) and を通じて (をつうじて).