758 - と~(のに)

JLPT N3: と~(のに)《if only

Perhaps you recall this lesson: [NDL #737] - JLPT N3: ~ば...(のに) ...in which we saw sentences like this:

いえ を でる の が あと さんぷん はやければ まにあった んだ けれど。
If I had left the house three minutes earlier, I would have made it in time.
Literally: “house + を + go out + の + が + more + three minutes + if it were early + made it in time + んだ + but.”

...where Phrase 1 is something that didn't happen:

いえ を でる の が あと さんぷん はやければ
If I had left the house three minutes earlier
Literally: “house + を + go out + の + が + more + three minutes + if it were early”

...and Phrase 2 is something that would have resulted had Phrase 1 happened:

まにあった んだ けれど。
I would have made it in time.
Literally: “made it in time + んだ + but.”

In other words, it was a lesson about using the ~ば conditional form to express regret or disappointment that something did not occur.

This is also possible using the conditional form, which is what we're exploring in this lesson.

For example, you could say:

じぶん の へや が ある と しゅうちゅう して べんきょう できる んだ けれど。
If I had my own room, I’d be able to concentrate on my studies.
Literally: “oneself + の + room + が + there is / have + と + concentration / focus + do (and) + studying + can do + んだ + but.”

Phrase 1 is something that didn't happen or is not true:

じぶん の へや が ある と
If I had my own room
Literally: “oneself + の + room + が + there is / have + と”

Phrase 2 is the hypothetical — but, unfortunately, not real — result had Phrase 1 been true:

しゅうちゅう して べんきょう できる んだ けれど。
I’d be able to concentrate on my studies.
Literally: “concentration / focus + do (and) + studying + can do + んだ + but.”

We have a particle-combo meaning something like "but" or "although" at the end in order to express our regret. Here we're using けれど, but you'll also commonly see things like のにけど、etc.

We're going to cover this in an upcoming N3 lesson, but we could also use the ~たら conditional form in the above sentence, and the meaning would be pretty much the same (though it has a bit more of a conversational ring to it):

じぶん の へや が あったら しゅうちゅう して べんきょう できる んだ けれど。
If I had my own room, I’d be able to concentrate on my studies.
Literally: “oneself + の + room + が + if there was / if (I) had + concentration / focus + do (and) + studying + can do + んだ + but.”

But, yeah, more on that in an upcoming lesson.

For now, let's focus on と!

👷 Construction 👷

Put a word in the present tense of the plain form before . That's it:

Present-Tense Plain-Form Word + (...のに・けど・etc.)

Another example:

みさちゃん も どうそうかい に こられる と よかった のに。
If only Misa-chan could have come to the reunion, too.
Literally: “Misa-chan + も + reunion (e.g. class reunion) + に + can come + と + was good + のに.”
Note: This could be a formal "reunion," or it might just be an informal get-together of old friends after several years apart.

And another:

たかはし せんせい は、 もっと やさしく おしえて くれる と いい のに...。
I wish Takahashi-sensei would be nicer when he taught.
Literally: “Takahashi-sensei + は, + more + kindly + teach (and) + give (us) + と + good + のに...”

You're on a roll now:

ぶかつ の ない ひ だ と わたし も いけた んだ けど。
I could have gone if it had been on a day that I didn't have practice [a club meeting].
Literally: “club activities + の + there isn't / don’t have+ day + だ + と + I + も + was able to go + んだ + but.”
Note: "Club activities" can range from volleyball practice, to band practice, to photography club meetings — all sorts of things.

You're... finished?


See you in the next lesson.

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