844 - としても
We have several lessons covering grammatical constructions that we can more or less translate to "even if" in English.
Here are a handful of them:
- [NDL #526] - JLPT N4: ~ても (even if)
- [NDL #408] - JLPT N3: たとえ~ても
- [NDL #367] - JLPT N2: にしても ([hypothetical] even if)
- [NDL #745] - JLPT N2: にしろ
としても is another way to express "even if" in Japanese.
Specifically, we use としても when talking about what might (or might not) happen if something (that is not true) were true.
For example, in the following sentence, としても can be used because the listener is not God:
たとえ きみ が かみさま だ としても、 これ だけ は あげられない。
Even if you were God himself, this is the one thing I couldn’t give you.
Literally: “supposing / even if + you + が + God + だ + としても, + this + only + は + cannot give.”
See the word たとえ in the above sentence? It often pairs up with としても. The same is true of other words meaning "if" or "supposing," such as もし and 仮に (かりに), both of which we'll see in other examples.
としても also pairs up with question words like 誰 (だれ) and 何 (なに), both of which we'll see below, as well.
👷 Construction 👷
Simple: Put a word in plain form directly before としても.
If the word before としても is a NOUN or na-adjective, then the plain-form word will be a copula. In this lesson, we see だ and the past tense of である, which is であった.
⛵ A Sea of Examples ⛵
Take your time with these. Once you're read them, you'll be done with this lesson...
もし おっと が しごと を やめた としても、 わたし の きゅうりょう だけ で じゅうぶん たべて いける だろう。
Even if my husband were to quit his job, we’d still have enough money to get by just on my salary.
Literally: “if + husband + が + job / work + を + quit + としても, + I + の + salary / income + only + で + enough / plenty + eat (and) + can go + だろう.”
だれ が なに を いった としても、 かのじょ を せっとく する こと は できなかった だろう。
I doubt anyone would have been able to convince her, no matter what they said.
Literally: “who + が + what + を + said + としても, + she + を + persuading / convincing + do + thing + は + couldn’t do + だろう.”
かりに かれ が あか の たにん であった としても、 わたし は かれ を たすけた でしょう。
Even if he had been a complete stranger, I still would have helped him.
Literally: “supposing + he + が + total stranger (=red + の + stranger) + was (=であった) + としても, + I + は + he + を + helped / saved + でしょう.”
In casual, spoken language, it is possible to replace としても with としたって:
なに を はじめる としたって、 あきらめない こと が だいじ だ。
No matter what it is that you’re starting, not giving up is important.
Literally: “what + を + start + としたって, + not give up + thing + が + important + だ.”