852 - は別として(はべつとして)

JLPT N3: は別として(はべつとして // aside from; putting [setting] aside

If you open up a Japanese-English dictionary, you'll see a lot of definitions for 別 (べつ): distinction, difference,different, another, particular, separate, extra, exception, etc.

The kanji 別 also shows up in a lot of words, such as 送別会 (そうべつかい // farewell party; going-away party) and 別れる (わかれる // to break up [with someone]), both of which we've seen multiple times in other lessons:

どうして ミゲルさん の そうべつかい に こなかった のです か。
Why didn’t you come to Miguel’s farewell party?
Literally: "why + Miguel-san + の + farewell party + に + didn’t come + のです + か."
Note: This is from [NDL #717] - JLPT N2: 次第だ(しだいだ).

わかれたい んだ けど、 なんて いえば いい?
I want to break up with her [him]. What should I say?
Literally: "want to break up + んだ + けど, + what (to say) + should (I) say (=if [I] say + good)?"
Note: This is from [NDL #761] - JLPT N4: ~ばいいですか (should...?).


Knowing the meaning of 別 should make it fairly easy to understand は別として (はべつとして), which means something like "aside from," "putting aside," etc.

Two examples:

まど から の けしき はべつとして、 ロケーション も サービス も さいこう の ホテル だった。
Aside from the views (from the window), the hotel’s location and service were also fantastic.
Literally: “window + from + の + scenery / landscape + putting aside, + location + も + service + も + best / wonderful + の + hotel + was.”

ともだち が きている とき はべつとして、 いえ で は きほんてき に らぞく です。
Aside from when I have friends visiting, I'm usually naked when I'm at home.
Literally: “friends + が + are coming + time / when + putting aside, + house + で + は + basic / fundamental + に + tribe or group that usually goes naked + です.”

There are technically two ways to use は別として. The first, which we see in the previous example sentence, is saying that something is true when certain circumstances are excluded.

The second is saying that you are temporarily "putting aside" or "shelving" a topic of discussion so that something else can be considered. Our next examples will illustrate this type of situation quite well.


👷 Construction 👷

Just put a NOUN before は別として


However, don't be surprised if you see the particle coming before は別として, either.

This is particularly common when contrasting two options, opinions, stances, and so on:

おいしい か おいしくない か はべつとして、 ベジマイト が けんこう に いい こと は たしか だ。
Putting aside whether or not it tastes good, there’s no denying that Vegemite is good for you.
Literally: “tasty + か + not tasty + か + putting aside, + Vegemite + が + healthy (=health + に + good) + thing + は + certain / definite / correct + だ.”


What qualifies as a NOUN?

To tell the truth, I wasn't sure if I should highlight separately (as I did above), or if I should highlight the entire noun phrase ending in か.

In other words, I also could have highlighted the previous sentence like this:

おいしい か おいしくない か はべつとして、 ベジマイト が けんこう に いい こと は たしか だ。
Putting aside whether or not it tastes good, there’s no denying that Vegemite is good for you.
Literally: “tasty + か + not tasty + か + putting aside, + Vegemite + が + healthy (=health + に + good) + thing + は + certain / definite / correct + だ.”

I suppose it doesn't really matter all that much.

If you're interested in how we can use particles to change various words into NOUNS (i.e. how to form noun phrases), I recommend checking out this lesson from Bunkai Beast: Making Nouns with の.


Last of all, it's also possible to say は別して instead of は別して.

The meaning is the same:

いつ やる か はべつにして、 まず は どこ で やる か を きめよう よ。
Before worrying about when we’ll do [have] it, first let’s decide where we’ll do [have] it.
Literally: “when + do + か + putting aside, + first + は + where + で + do + か + を + let’s decide + よ.”


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