513 - から (on account of)


Speed lesson! Go!

JLPT N3: から (on account of)

If you're studying for N3, then you're already familiar with the particle から. It can be used to say lots of things, like "from," "because," and so on.

Well, similar to how it can mean "because," it can also mean "from" in the sense of being the cause of something.

What I mean is that から can be the "because" in "I passed the test because I studied," the "from" in "I went from Tokyo to Kyoto," and the "from" in "The accident occurred from [because of / on account of] negligence."

Rather than differentiate between different meanings of "from," though, let's just say that the から in this lesson means "on account of."

[cause] から [result].

Here's our first example:

ドライバー の そうさ ミス から その じこ が おこった。
The accident occured due to the mistake of a driver.
Literally: “driver + の + error in the operation of a machine (=operation + miss) + から + that + accident + が + occurred.”
Note: We're talking about the "driver" of a car.

👷 Construction 👷

A NOUN will always come before から:

NOUN + から

That was easy!

ぶんか の ちがい と ことば の かべ から、 とんでもない ごかい を まねいて しまった ようだ。
It seems that a terrible misunderstanding arose due to cultural differences and the language barrier.
Literally: “culture + の + difference + と + word / language + の + wall + から, + outrageous / terrible + misunderstanding + を + brought about (unfortunately) + it seems (=ようだ).”

わたし の なにげない ひとこと から、 おおげんか に なって しまった。
Just a few words that I said without much thought ended up causing a huge fight.
Literally: “I + の + casual / unconcerned / without much thought + one sentence + から, + big fight + に + became (unfortunately).”

あらゆる びょうき は ストレス や ひえ から おこります。
All kinds of illnesses occur on account of things like stress and being cold.
Literally: “all + illness + は + stress + や + cold / cool / chilliness + から + happen / occur.”
Note: I won't get into it here, but in Japan keeping your body temperature high is something that is widely taught is necessary in order to stay healthy.

Now, I said "speed lesson," and that was fast.

...but you should still be looking at each word in the literal breakdown, confirming that you know what it means, then looking at how the words connect to form a sentence.

With that, you're finished! Congratulations. ^^

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