324 - とともに〈いっしょに〉

Relax, because today's grammar point isn't too hard.

JLPT N3: ~とともに

You know the word 一緒に?

together (with); at the same time

You should know it, because we've seen it over 20 times in our daily lessons so far.

Here are just a few examples:

いっしょ に いく?
Wanna go together?
Literally: "together + go?"
Note: From [NDL #13] - I wanna take you out.

いっしょに どう でしょうか。
Would you like to go together?
Literally: "together + how + でしょうか."
Note: From [NDL #90] - This beat is fire, right? - Part V.

いっしょに いきたかった のに。
I would've loved to have gone (with you). // Why didn't you invite me?
Literally: "together + wanted to go + のに."
Note #1: The semi-literal translation would be, "Although I wanted to go with you."
Note #2: From [NDL #255] - Honey! (Part 2).

あじ こい から ごはん と いっしょに たべて ね。
The flavor is (really) strong, so eat it with rice.
Literally: "flavor + thick + because + rice + と + together + eat + ね."
Note: This entire lesson is on 一緒に:[NDL #259] - The Same Things Together.

So yeah, you might want to go read the 一緒に lesson in preparation for this lesson.

With that, I think we're ready to talk about ~とともに.

一緒に VS ~とともに

While these two phrases do mean pretty much the same thing, "together (with)," they do differ slightly in usage:


  • Can be used in spoken or written language.
  • Can come at the very beginning of a clause or after "NOUN + と," like in the last example we saw above.
  • Only used in written language.
  • Only comes after a noun.

So in that sense, we could say that ~とともに = ~と一緒に.

With that, it's...

Example Time

Remember that the formation is always:

together (with) NOUN

こうくうけん と ともに パスポート も ていじ した。
I showed my passport along with my plane ticket.
Literally: "plane ticket + とともに + passport + も + presentation + did."

じぶん で つった さかな を にほんしゅ と ともに あじわった。
I enjoyed the fish that I caught together with some sake.
Literally: "by oneself + で + caught [fished] + fish + を + sake [Japanese rice wine] + とともに + savored / tasted."

わたし は いもうと と ともに えいかいわがっこう に かよっている。
I'm attending an English conversation school with my sister.
Literally: "I + は + younger sister + とともに + English conversation school + に + am attending / commuting."

That's all for today.

A short lesson, perhaps. But not if you click on the links to the past lessons above and do a bit of review/extra studying. ^^

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