847 - を踏まえて(をふまえて)
JLPT N1: を踏まえて(をふまえて // based on; considering)
You may already know the verb 踏む (ふむ), which means "to step on."
For example, we saw this sentence back in a lesson on ~てしまう:
あ~あ。 また いぬ の うんこ ふんじまった よ。
Oh, man. I stepped in dog poop again.
Literally: “[sound of annoyance or disappointment]. + again + dog + の + poop + (unfortunately) stepped on + よ.”
Slightly different than 踏む (ふむ) is the verb 踏まえる (ふまえる), which means something along the lines of "to base (something) on."
Specifically, the pattern を踏まえて (をふまえて) is common when pointing out the basis for a certain action, thought, etc.
An example:
いままで の けいけん をふまえて ぶか に アドバイス を した。
I gave my subordinates [employees / team members] advice based on my experiences up until now.
Literally: “until now / so far + の + experience + を + base on (and) + subordinate (person) + に + advice + を + did.”
を踏まえて sounds pretty stiff, so I wouldn't recommend using it in casual speech.
You're more likely to hear it in formal Japanese.
Here's another example:
いじょう の こと をふまえて、 しんちょう に きゅうしゅつ かつどう を すすめて ください。
Keeping in mind everything just mentioned, please proceed carefully with the rescue efforts.
Literally: “above + の + thing + を + base on (and), + carefully / with caution + rescue + activities + を + proceed (and) + please.”
Perhaps you've figured this out already — or perhaps it's obvious because of the particular を — but を踏まえて comes directly after a NOUN:
ぜんかい の はんせいてん を ふまえて、 あたらしい べんきょうほう を とりいれよう と おもう。
Considering what happened last time, I think I’ll adopt a new study method.
Literally: “last time + の + regret / feeling sorry + -points + を + base on (and), + new + study method + を + let’s adopt / let’s introduce + と + think.”
Pretty straightforward, yeah?
One last example:
みず は むげん ではない という じじつ をふまえて、 つぎ の しつもん に こたえて ください。
Please answer the following question(s) while considering the fact that water is not a limitless resource.
Literally: “water + は + limitless + isn’t (=ではない) + という + fact + を + base on (and), + next + の + question + に + answer (and) + please.”
And that's it. You're done!
I salute you, fellow student.
Complete and Continue
You may already know the verb 踏む (ふむ), which means "to step on."
For example, we saw this sentence back in a lesson on ~てしまう:
あ~あ。 また いぬ の うんこ ふんじまった よ。
Oh, man. I stepped in dog poop again.
Literally: “[sound of annoyance or disappointment]. + again + dog + の + poop + (unfortunately) stepped on + よ.”
Slightly different than 踏む (ふむ) is the verb 踏まえる (ふまえる), which means something along the lines of "to base (something) on."
Specifically, the pattern を踏まえて (をふまえて) is common when pointing out the basis for a certain action, thought, etc.
An example:
いままで の けいけん をふまえて ぶか に アドバイス を した。
I gave my subordinates [employees / team members] advice based on my experiences up until now.
Literally: “until now / so far + の + experience + を + base on (and) + subordinate (person) + に + advice + を + did.”
を踏まえて sounds pretty stiff, so I wouldn't recommend using it in casual speech.
You're more likely to hear it in formal Japanese.
Here's another example:
いじょう の こと をふまえて、 しんちょう に きゅうしゅつ かつどう を すすめて ください。
Keeping in mind everything just mentioned, please proceed carefully with the rescue efforts.
Literally: “above + の + thing + を + base on (and), + carefully / with caution + rescue + activities + を + proceed (and) + please.”
Perhaps you've figured this out already — or perhaps it's obvious because of the particular を — but を踏まえて comes directly after a NOUN:
ぜんかい の はんせいてん を ふまえて、 あたらしい べんきょうほう を とりいれよう と おもう。
Considering what happened last time, I think I’ll adopt a new study method.
Literally: “last time + の + regret / feeling sorry + -points + を + base on (and), + new + study method + を + let’s adopt / let’s introduce + と + think.”
Pretty straightforward, yeah?
One last example:
みず は むげん ではない という じじつ をふまえて、 つぎ の しつもん に こたえて ください。
Please answer the following question(s) while considering the fact that water is not a limitless resource.
Literally: “water + は + limitless + isn’t (=ではない) + という + fact + を + base on (and), + next + の + question + に + answer (and) + please.”
And that's it. You're done!
I salute you, fellow student.