711 - もさることながら

JLPT N1: もさることながら (obviously... but also... // can't ignore... but...)

もさることながら is a formal, stiff-sounding phrase that is used when pointing out that something is true in addition to an obvious example.

For example, if you want to say that genetics are believed to be a contributing factor to diabetes, in addition to lifestyle choices, which you consider to be the most obvious or widely acknowledged contributing factor, then you could say:

とうにょうびょう の げんいん として、 せいかつ しゅうかん もさることながら、 いでん に よる えいきょう も おおきい と いわれている。
While there’s no denying that lifestyle choices are a cause of diabetes, it is said that genetics also plays a large factor.
Literally: “diabetes + の + cause + as (=として), + life + habits / routines + もさることながら, + genes / heredity + because of / due to (=による) + influence + も + large + と + is being said.”

That's a long sentence. But if we break it down, it's not too bad:

とうにょうびょう の げんいん として
as a cause of diabetes
Literally: “diabetes + の + cause + as (=として)”

せいかつ しゅうかん もさることながら
while there’s no denying lifestyle choices // while lifestyle choices cannot be ignored
Literally: “life + habits / routines + もさることながら”

いでん に よる えいきょう も おおきい
the influence of heredity [genes] is also large
Literally: “genes / heredity + because of / due to (=による) + influence + も + large ”

と いわれている
it is said that
Literally: “と + is being said”

Make sense?

I didn't write it above because I didn't want things to get too crowded, but I was also tempted to translate the sentence like this:

とうにょうびょう の げんいん として、 せいかつ しゅうかん もさることながら、 いでん に よる えいきょう も おおきい と いわれている。
While it goes without saying that lifestyle choices are a cause of diabetes, it is said that genetics also plays a large factor.
Literally: “diabetes + の + cause + as (=として), + life + habits / routines + もさることながら, + genes / heredity + because of / due to (=による) + influence + も + large + と + is being said.”

Let's look at another example.

A Japanese teacher is impressed by her student's enthusiasm for studying Japanese. Aside from that being, in her mind, quite obviously impressive, she also finds it admirable that this student is enthusiastically learning about Japan's culture and history, too.

Of the student, she writes:

あの せいと は にほんご もさることながら、 にほん の ぶんか や れきし も ねっしん に べんきょう していて、 かんしん します。
He isn’t just enthusiastic about his studies of the Japanese language, but alsoJapan’s culture and history. It’s impressive.
Literally: “that + student + は + Japanese (language) + もさることながら, + Japan + の + culture + や + history + も + enthusiastic + に + studying + is doing (and), + admiration / being impressed + do.”

The teacher is saying that one would obviously「感心します」in reaction to this student's enthusiastic study of the Japanese language.

In addition to that, though, one can't help but「感心します」in reaction to this student's enthusiastic study of the culture and history of Japan.

👷 Construction 👷

Nothing too complicated here:

obviously NOUN, but also...; can't ignore NOUN, but...

Second-to-last example:

かれ の つくる りょうり は、 あじ もさることながら もりつけ も どくそうてき で、 め で も した で も たのしめる。
Not only is the flavor of his dishes great, the presentation of them is original. His cooking is a delight for both eyes and taste buds.
Literally: “he + の + make + cooking + は, + flavor + もさることながら + presentation (of food) + も + creative / unique + で, + eyes + でも + tongue + でも + can enjoy.”

Last example:

しげきてきな からさ もさることながら、 ハーブ を たよう する こと も タイりょうり の とくちょう です。
Aside from intense heat [spiciness], the heavy use of herbs is another standout feature of Thai cuisine.
Literally: “stimulating + spiciness + もさることながら, + herbs + を + heavy use / many uses + do + こと + も + Thai cooking + の + (special) feature / trait + です.”

I doubt you'll ever need to use もさることながら in your own Japanese, but it is listed as an N1 grammar point, so we might as well learn it!

These lessons cover somewhat related grammar:
- [NDL #709] - JLPT N3: 上に(うえに)
- [NDL #704] - JLPT N1: はおろか
- [NDL #570] - JLPT N2: に加えて

We haven't seen it yet, but the N3 grammar construction はもちろん is also quite similar. (We'll cover it eventually. I promise. ^_^)

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