746 - をもって (as of [time])
JLPT N1: をもって (as of [time])
If you're like me, and you love straightforward grammar points, you'll enjoy this lesson.
をもって comes right after a NOUN that denotes a point in time. This phrase is used when you are describing a point in time at which something which has been continuing up until that point in time will end.
「NOUN + をもって」can be translated as something like "as of NOUN."
So we're saying: "As of NOUN (=[point in time]), blah blah ends."
An example:
ほんじつ をもって かしゅ として の かつうどう を きゅうし させて いただきます。
As of today, I will take a break from my work as a singer.
Literally: “today + をもって + singer + as (=として) + の + activities + を + resting / stopping for a while + (I) will (humbly) have (you) let me do (=let me do [and] + [humbly] receive).”
をもって is a formal expression.
It is often used for public announcements or statements. In the example above, we can imagine a famous singer speaking at a press conference about how she will take a break from singing for a while.
Another example:
こんかい をもって この れんさい は しゅうりょう いたします。
This is the last piece in this series.
Literally: “this time + をもって + this + series (e.g. of articles, stories, etc.) + は + finishing + (humbly) do.”
We've seen をもって already in another N1 lesson: [NDL #438] - JLPT N1: をもって (by / with).
In that lesson, we saw をもって being translated as "with" or "by." An example from that lesson:
しんろう しんぷ の にゅうじょう です。 みなさん、 せいだいな はくしゅ をもって おむかえ ください。
Now, please welcome our new bride and groom with a big round of applause!
Literally: “bride and groom + の + entrance + です. + everyone, + grand + applause + をもって + please greet / receive.”
The をもって we're exploring today, though, doesn't mean "with" or "by." It means "as of!"
...or something to that effect...
とうてん は ごがつ ようか をもって へいてん いたしました。 ながい あいだ ありがとう ございました。
This store was closed down on May 8th. Thank you for shopping with us all of these years.
Literally: “this shop + は + May + the 8th + をもって + closing the store + (humbly) did. + long + period of time + thank you.”
Note: This would be posted on the door of a shop that shut down, for example.
これ をもちまして だいななかい にほんご スピーチ コンテスト を しゅうりょう させて いただきます。
With that, we will now call a close to our 7th Japanese speech contest.
Literally: “this + をもちまして + 7th time + Japanese (language) + speech + contest + を + ending + (we) will (humbly) have (you) let us do (=let us do [and] + [humbly] receive)."
Like I said, fairly straightforward, yeah?
The extremely formal language that it appears with might be a bit of trouble for you, but when you zoom in on をもって, it's not too hard to understand, I think.