826 - ~ようと~まいと

JLPT N1: ~ようと~まいと (regardless of whether ~)

We just studied ~ようが~まいが in our last N1 lesson, yeah?

Well, good news for you: ~よう~まい is essentially the same thing. It is used when expressing the meaning of "regardless of ~" or "whether or not~."

An example:

わたし が おさけ を のもうと のむまいと、 あなた に は かんけい ない でしょう。
It’s none of your business whether or not I drink (alcohol). // Whether or not I drink (alcohol) has nothing to do with you.
Literally: “I + が + alcohol + を + whether or not (I) drink, + you + に + は + relation / connection + there isn’t + でしょう.”


👷 Construction 👷

This, too, is the same as we saw for ~ようが~まいが. Since the patterns can be a bit confusing, though, I'll introduce them once more.

Don't forget that before tackling this lesson you should have no problem putting verbs into volitional form (=Vよう).

In ~ようと~まいと constructions, you'll see two patterns:「Vるまいと」and「Vないまいと」(←まい is attaching to the stem of a plain present negative verb). The second of these can only occur with ichidan [Type II] or irregular [Type III (e.g. 来る)] verbs.

So, in general:

V ようV るまいと

Sometimes with ichidan or irregular verbs:

V ようV ないまいと

Here's an example of the latter (with the irregular verb 来る):

キャプテン が こようと こまいと、 れんしゅう は おこなわれます。
We have practice regardless of whether the (team) captain is present.
Literally: “captain + が + whether or not (he) comes, + practice + は + is held / takes place.”

来る(くる // to come

来ないこない // not come

まいこまい // not come


Here is an ichidan [Type II] verb being using in the pattern「V ようV ないまいが」:

きみ たち が なっとく できようと できまいと、 もう きまった こと なのだ。
It doesn’t matter whether or not you (all) agree to it. It’s been decided.
Literally: “you ([plural]) + が + consent / agreement / understanding + whether or not (you) can do, + already + was decided + こと + なのだ.”


 Irregular Alert! 

For the verb する, don't be thrown off too much if you see まい instead of するまい or まい.

So, this is OK:

しけん に ごうかく しようと するまいと、 いままで の べんきょう が むだ に なる わけではない。
Regardless of whether or not you pass the test, your studies up until now will not have been for nothing.
Literally: “text / exam + に + passing (a test) + whether or not (you) do, + now + until + の + studies + が + be for nothing (=pointless / worthless + に + become) + it does not mean that / it is not the case that (=わけではない).”

...and so is this:

しけん に ごうかく しようと すまいと、 いままで の べんきょう が むだ に なる わけではない。
Regardless of whether or not you pass the test, your studies up until now will not have been for nothing.
Literally: “text / exam + に + passing (a test) + whether or not (you) do, + now + until + の + studies + が + be for nothing (=pointless / worthless + に + become) + it does not mean that / it is not the case that (=わけではない).”


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