867 - 以上(は)《いじょう(は)》

JLPT N2: 以上(は)《いじょう(は)// so long as; as long as; since

The word 以上 (いじょう) can be used a few different ways in Japanese.

For example, when someone is making an announcement or describing something at length, you might hear them end it with:

いじょう です。
That is all.
Literally: “that is all / the end + です.”

Or, as we saw in this N3 lesson, 以上 can mean "more than" (or, more specifically, "not less than"):

じてんしゃ で いく と したら、 さんじかん いじょう かかります よ。
If you go by bicycle, it'll take over three hours. // If you went by bicycle, it'd take over three hours. 
Literally: “bicycle + で + go + としたら, + three hours + more than + takes + よ.”

Or, as we saw in this N1 lesson, it can mean "the above" or "the aforementioned:"

いじょう の こと を ふまえて、 しんちょう に きゅうじょ かつどう を すすめて ください。
Keeping in mind everything just mentioned, please proceed carefully with the rescue efforts.
Literally: “above + の + thing + を + base on (and), + carefully / with caution + rescue + activities + を + proceed (and) + please.”


In this lesson, however, we'll be seeing 以上 used to say "so long as," "as long as," or "since."

An example:

ここ に すんでいる いじょうは、 ここ の ルール に したがわなければならない。
As long as you’re living here, you have to follow the rules.
Literally: “here + に + are living + as/so long as + は, + here + の + rule + に + must abide by (e.g. the rules).”


Constructing these sentences is fairly straightforward.

We just put a plain-form word directly before 以上.

In the case of a NOUN or na-adjective, we would also insert である

プロ である いじょう、 ただ で うたう わけにはいかない と おもっています。
I think that, being a pro, I can’t just sing for free.
Literally: “pro + である + as/so long as, + free + で + can’t exactly sing (=sing + わけにはいかない) + と + am thinking.”


In sentences that use 以上 in this way, the speaker's opinion will follow in some form.

This "opinion" could be advice, an appeal, a recommendation, a decision, and so on...

にほん に きょうしつ が ない いじょうは、 どくがく で べんきょう する しか ない。
So long as there isn’t a class (for it) in Japan, the only option is to study by myself.
Literally: “Japan + に + classroom + が + there isn’t / don’t have + as/so long as + は, + studying by oneself + で + studying + do + have no choice but to / there is nothing but.”

やくそく した いじょう、 ゆうげんじっこう しなさい。
Now that you’ve made a promise, make good on it.
Literally: “promise + did + as/so long as, + carrying out one’s word / making good on a promise + do (=[command]).”


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