853 - はさておき
JLPT N2: はさておき (setting aside; aside)
はさておき is used when you want to put aside a topic for the time being.
This makes it quite similar to は別として (はべつとして), which we saw in this N3 lesson. However, they are not interchangeable.
Explaining why is a bit difficult, and I cannot say whether the following is definitively true, but this seems to be the main difference between は別として and はさておき:
はさておき is only used when temporarily setting aside some kind of topic, consideration, thought, etc.
For example, we saw this sentence in the は別として lesson:
ともだち が きている とき はべつとして、 いえ で は きほんてき に らぞく です。
Aside from when I have friends visiting, I'm usually naked when I'm at home.
Literally: “friends + が + are coming + time / when + putting aside, + house + で + は + basic / fundamental + に + tribe or group that usually goes naked + です.”
It would sound strange to say はさておき in this sentence:
✕ 友達が来ている時はさておき、家では基本的に裸族です。
✕ ともだち が きている とき はさておき、 いえ で は きほんてき に らぞく です。
✕ Setting aside when I have friends visiting, I'm usually naked when I'm at home.
✕ Literally: “friends + が + are coming + time / when + setting aside for now, + house + で + は + basic / fundamental + に + tribe or group that usually goes naked + です.”
It sounds strange because the speaker is talking about how something is true when excluding a special set of circumstances. The speaker is not merely setting aside a discussion / consideration / topic to think about later.
In contrast, it doesn't sound strange to replace は別として with はさておき in the following sentence:
おいしい か おいしくない か はべつとして、 ベジマイト が けんこう に いい こと は たしか だ。
Putting aside whether or not it tastes good, there’s no denying that Vegemite is good for you.
Literally: “tasty + か + not tasty + か + putting aside, + Vegemite + が + healthy (=health + に + good) + thing + は + certain / definite / correct + だ.”
↓ ↓ ↓
〇 おいしいかおいしくないかはさておき、ベジマイトが健康にいいことは確かだ。
〇 おいしい か おいしくない か はさておき、 ベジマイト が けんこう に いい こと は たしか だ。
〇 Putting aside whether or not it tastes good, there’s no denying that Vegemite is good for you.
〇 Literally: “tasty + か + not tasty + か + setting aside for now, + Vegemite + が + healthy (=health + に + good) + thing + は + certain / definite / correct + だ.”
It sounds fine to say はさておき here because the speaker is temporarily setting aside a discussion / consideration / topic for later.
Make sense? I hope so.
👷 Construction 👷
This is also the same as we saw for は別として:Just put a NOUN before はさておき.
NOUN + はさておき
This was also mentioned in the は別として lesson, but don't be surprised if you see か coming before はさておき. This makes sense because か is forming a noun phrase in such cases:
りんりてき に ただしい か どう か はさておき、 せいしバンク を りよう する という て も ある。
Setting aside whether or not it’s ethical for the time being, using a sperm bank is also an option.
Literally: “ethical + に + correct + whether or not (=かどうか) + setting aside for now, + sperm bank + を + using + do + という + means / technique + も + there is.”
りんりてき に ただしい か どう か はさておき、 せいしバンク を りよう する という て も ある。
Setting aside whether or not it’s ethical for the time being, using a sperm bank is also an option.
Literally: “ethical + に + correct + whether or not (=かどうか) + setting aside for now, + sperm bank + を + using + do + という + means / technique + も + there is.”
A few more examples to get through, and then we'll be done with はさておき!
むずかしい りくつ はさておき、 じゆう に かいて みて ください。
Please set aside complicated principles for the time being and just draw freely.
Literally: “difficult / complicated + reason / principle + setting aside for now, + free + に + draw (and) + see (and) + please.”
A husband and wife are in the middle of discussing what they should do on the upcoming trip they're planning...
それ はさておき、 ゆうはん は どう する?
Aside from all that, what should we do for dinner?
Literally: “that + setting aside for now, + dinner + は + what should we do (=how + do)?”
ピザ でも たのむ?
Wanna order pizza or something?
Literally: “pizza + でも + order / request?”
Have you ever heard of the Japanese film (based on a novel) Battle Royale?

In the words of Wikipedia:"The film follows a group of junior high schoolers forced to fight to the death by the Japanese government."
So, "junior high Hunger Games." Only, Battle Royale came out before The Hunger Games.
Anyway, the teacher in the following conversation is making a joke about it...
いま から みなさん に ころしあい を して もらいます。
Starting now, I’m going to have you all start killing each other.
Literally: “now + from + everyone / you all + に + killing each other + を + have you do (=do [and] + receive).”
Literally: “huh?”
えー、じょうだん はさておき、 じゅぎょう を はじめましょう か。
OK. All joking aside, shall we start with the lesson?
Literally: “umm… / err…, + joke + setting aside for now, + lesson / class + を + let’s start + か.”
By the way, はともかく(として)is also similar to はさておき. We'll be looking at it in a future N2 lesson.
Complete and Continue
はさておき is used when you want to put aside a topic for the time being.
This makes it quite similar to は別として (はべつとして), which we saw in this N3 lesson. However, they are not interchangeable.
Explaining why is a bit difficult, and I cannot say whether the following is definitively true, but this seems to be the main difference between は別として and はさておき:
はさておき is only used when temporarily setting aside some kind of topic, consideration, thought, etc.
For example, we saw this sentence in the は別として lesson:
ともだち が きている とき はべつとして、 いえ で は きほんてき に らぞく です。
Aside from when I have friends visiting, I'm usually naked when I'm at home.
Literally: “friends + が + are coming + time / when + putting aside, + house + で + は + basic / fundamental + に + tribe or group that usually goes naked + です.”
It would sound strange to say はさておき in this sentence:
✕ 友達が来ている時はさておき、家では基本的に裸族です。
✕ ともだち が きている とき はさておき、 いえ で は きほんてき に らぞく です。
✕ Setting aside when I have friends visiting, I'm usually naked when I'm at home.
✕ Literally: “friends + が + are coming + time / when + setting aside for now, + house + で + は + basic / fundamental + に + tribe or group that usually goes naked + です.”
It sounds strange because the speaker is talking about how something is true when excluding a special set of circumstances. The speaker is not merely setting aside a discussion / consideration / topic to think about later.
In contrast, it doesn't sound strange to replace は別として with はさておき in the following sentence:
おいしい か おいしくない か はべつとして、 ベジマイト が けんこう に いい こと は たしか だ。
Putting aside whether or not it tastes good, there’s no denying that Vegemite is good for you.
Literally: “tasty + か + not tasty + か + putting aside, + Vegemite + が + healthy (=health + に + good) + thing + は + certain / definite / correct + だ.”
↓ ↓ ↓
〇 おいしいかおいしくないかはさておき、ベジマイトが健康にいいことは確かだ。
〇 おいしい か おいしくない か はさておき、 ベジマイト が けんこう に いい こと は たしか だ。
〇 Putting aside whether or not it tastes good, there’s no denying that Vegemite is good for you.
〇 Literally: “tasty + か + not tasty + か + setting aside for now, + Vegemite + が + healthy (=health + に + good) + thing + は + certain / definite / correct + だ.”
It sounds fine to say はさておき here because the speaker is temporarily setting aside a discussion / consideration / topic for later.
Make sense? I hope so.
👷 Construction 👷
This is also the same as we saw for は別として:Just put a NOUN before はさておき.
NOUN + はさておき
This was also mentioned in the は別として lesson, but don't be surprised if you see か coming before はさておき. This makes sense because か is forming a noun phrase in such cases:
りんりてき に ただしい か どう か はさておき、 せいしバンク を りよう する という て も ある。
Setting aside whether or not it’s ethical for the time being, using a sperm bank is also an option.
Literally: “ethical + に + correct + whether or not (=かどうか) + setting aside for now, + sperm bank + を + using + do + という + means / technique + も + there is.”
りんりてき に ただしい か どう か はさておき、 せいしバンク を りよう する という て も ある。
Setting aside whether or not it’s ethical for the time being, using a sperm bank is also an option.
Literally: “ethical + に + correct + whether or not (=かどうか) + setting aside for now, + sperm bank + を + using + do + という + means / technique + も + there is.”
A few more examples to get through, and then we'll be done with はさておき!
むずかしい りくつ はさておき、 じゆう に かいて みて ください。
Please set aside complicated principles for the time being and just draw freely.
Literally: “difficult / complicated + reason / principle + setting aside for now, + free + に + draw (and) + see (and) + please.”
A husband and wife are in the middle of discussing what they should do on the upcoming trip they're planning...
それ はさておき、 ゆうはん は どう する?
Aside from all that, what should we do for dinner?
Literally: “that + setting aside for now, + dinner + は + what should we do (=how + do)?”
ピザ でも たのむ?
Wanna order pizza or something?
Literally: “pizza + でも + order / request?”
Have you ever heard of the Japanese film (based on a novel) Battle Royale?

In the words of Wikipedia:"The film follows a group of junior high schoolers forced to fight to the death by the Japanese government."
So, "junior high Hunger Games." Only, Battle Royale came out before The Hunger Games.
Anyway, the teacher in the following conversation is making a joke about it...
いま から みなさん に ころしあい を して もらいます。
Starting now, I’m going to have you all start killing each other.
Literally: “now + from + everyone / you all + に + killing each other + を + have you do (=do [and] + receive).”
Literally: “huh?”
えー、じょうだん はさておき、 じゅぎょう を はじめましょう か。
OK. All joking aside, shall we start with the lesson?
Literally: “umm… / err…, + joke + setting aside for now, + lesson / class + を + let’s start + か.”
By the way, はともかく(として)is also similar to はさておき. We'll be looking at it in a future N2 lesson.