773 - にさいして

JLPT N2: に際して(にさいして // when; on the occasion of

You may recall that we saw 際 (に), which is essentially a fancy way of saying "when" or "time," back in this lesson: [NDL #527] - JLPT N3: さい (に).

Kanji nerd service:

In this lesson, we're looking at に際して (にさいして), which is a fancy (i.e. formal) way of saying "when" or "on the occasion of," as in this sentence:

ごそつぎょう おめでとう ございます。 あらたな かどで にさいして、 こころ より おいわい もうしあげます。
Congratulations on your graduation. I wish you the very best as you start this new chapter of your lives [life].
Literally: “graduation + congratulations. + new + departure / setting out / starting a new life + on the occasion of, + heart + from + congratulations + (humbly) say.”
Note: This could be said in a graduation speech, for example.

A couple of rules about に際して

(1) Only use it to describe a time when something special happens or will happen.

(2) Do not use it for things that happen by chance. For example, this is strange:

✕ 妻の昇進に際して、祖父が亡くなった。
✕ つま の しょうしん にさいして、 そふ が なくなった。
✕ My grandfather passed away when my wife got her promotion.
✕ Literally: “(my) wife + の + promotion + on the occasion of, + grandfather + が + passed away.”

This, on the other hand, is natural:

つま の しょうしん にさいして たくさん の ひと から おいわい を もらった。
Many people congratulated us on my wife’s promotion.
Literally: “(my) wife + の + promotion + on the occasion of + many + の + person + from + congratulations + を + received.”

👷 Construction 👷

The word coming directly before に際して will be either (A) a する-NOUN (i.e. a noun capable of pairing up with する) or (B) a verb in plain present form (i.e. Vる).

V るに際して

Here's a sentence with the Vる pattern, which we haven't seen used yet:

みせいねんしゃ が この しゅじゅつ を うける にさいして は、 ほごしゃ の どうい が ひつよう  です。
The consent of a (parent or) guardian is required for an underage person to undergo this surgery [operation].
Literally: “underage person + が + this + surgery / operation + を + undergo / get + on the occasion of + は, + guardian + の + consent + が + necessary + です.”

When you want to be extra formal, use に際しまして (にさいしまして) instead of に際して (にさいして):

とう サービス の ごりよう にさいしまして は、 いか の きやく を かならず およみください。
When using this service, please be sure to read over the policy below.
Literally: “this + service + の + use + on the occasion of + は, + below + の + agreement / policy / rules + を + certainly / without fail + please read.”

I personally haven't found any chances to use に際して in my own Japanese.

Then again, my life is basically devoid of highly formal situations.

However, I have heard に際して used before. So let's learn it!

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