839 - を抜きにしては(をぬきにしては)

JLPT N2: を抜きにしては(をぬきにしては // without

を抜きにして is similar to を抜きにして, which we saw in our last N2 lesson.

In fact, the two overlap so much that I was hesitant to cover them in separate lessons.


You may recall that we use を抜きにして when "putting aside" something that would usually be included. For example, "flattery" is being left out in the following sentence:

おせじ をぬきにして、 こんな に おいしい オムレツ は たべた ことがありません。
All flattery aside, this is most delicious omelet I’ve ever eaten.
Literally: “flattery / compliments + を + leaving out / omitting, + this much + tasty / delicious + omelet + は + haven’t eaten (=ate + thing + が + don’t have / there isn’t).”


Similarly, を抜きにして is used when saying that it would be difficult to do something without someone or something.

someone or something を抜きにしては、it would be difficult to do something
→ it would be difficult to do something without someone or something

Here's an example:

いしだ きょうじゅ の じょりょく をぬきにしては、 この じっけん を なしとげる の は むずかしい だろう。
It would be difficult to complete this experiment without the assistance of Professor Ishida.
Literally: “Ishida + professor + の + assistance + without, + this + experiment + を + accomplish / finish + の + は + difficult + だろう.”


👷 Construction 👷

Like we saw with を抜きにして, we simply need to put a NOUN (←someone or something) directly before を抜きにして

without NOUN

The NOUN that comes right before を抜きにしては is someone or something that is highly evaluated by the speaker. It is someone or something that is believed to be important, valuable, etc..

A few examples, and we'll be finished with this one...


しゅやく の リーさん をぬきにしては、 そうべつかい は はじめられません。
We can’t start Lee-san’s farewell party without her. // We can’t start the going-away party without Lee-san. It’s his party.
Literally: “main role + の + Lee-san + without, + farewell party + は + cannot start.”


わたし の せいしゅん は かれ の そんざい をぬきにしては かたる ことができません。
I can’t talk about when I was young without mentioning him.
Literally: “I + の + youth / adolescence + は + he + の + existence + without + tell + thing + が + cannot do.”


いぬ の しつけ は、 かいぬし の つよい リーダーシップ をぬきにしては せいこう しない。
Disciplining a dog will not be successful without strong leadership on the owner's part.
Literally: “dog + の + disciplining / training + は, + (pet) owner + の + strong + leadership + without + success + won’t do.”


There you have it!
Complete and Continue