846 - にせよ
JLPT N2: にせよ (even if; no matter [what, how, etc.])
にせよ means something along the lines of "even if."
It is very similar to these other grammar patterns we've seen:
- [NDL #367] - JLPT N2: にしても
- [NDL #745] - JLPT N2: にしろ
- [NDL #844] - JLPT N3: としても
にせよ, however, is quite stiff-sounding. People do say it, though.
Like we saw with all three of those patterns mentioned above, にせよ frequently pairs up with words meaning "if" or "supposing," such as たとえ or 仮に (かりに) and question words like どんな (what kind of) or どんなに (how much).
It will come directly after a word in plain form, a NOUN, or a NOUN or na-adjective followed by である.
↑ With all of that stuff out of the way, we can let the examples teach the rest of this lesson, yeah?
Just four of them to get through...
どんな ほうほう で やる にせよ、 あんぜん でなければならない。
Whatever way you do it, it needs to be safe.
Literally: “what kind of + method + で + do + にせよ, + safe + must be (=でなければならない).”
ドレスコード が ない にせよ、 みずぎ で いく なんて ひじょうしき というもの だ。
Even if there isn’t a dress code, not wearing a bathing suit is just common sense.
Literally: “dress code + が + there isn’t / don’t have + にせよ, + bathing suit / swimsuit + で + go + なんて + lacking common sense / absurd + というもの + だ.”
Note: This might be said in response to a person either wearing a bathing suit somewhere they shouldn't, or saying or appearing to believe that doing so would be acceptable.
たとえ こくおう から の めいれい である にせよ、 できない もの は できない。
Even if it is an order from the king himself, what can’t be done can’t be done.
Literally: “supposing / even if + king + from + の + order / command + である + にせよ, + cannot do + thing + は + cannot do.”
どんなに ちいさな うそ にせよ、 うそ は よくない。
Lying is bad, no matter how small the lie may be.
Literally: “how much + small + lie + にせよ, + lie + は + not good.”
Even if you don't feel like studying much today, at the very least, going through each sentence word by word would certainly be helpful.
Complete and Continue
にせよ means something along the lines of "even if."
It is very similar to these other grammar patterns we've seen:
- [NDL #367] - JLPT N2: にしても
- [NDL #745] - JLPT N2: にしろ
- [NDL #844] - JLPT N3: としても
にせよ, however, is quite stiff-sounding. People do say it, though.
Like we saw with all three of those patterns mentioned above, にせよ frequently pairs up with words meaning "if" or "supposing," such as たとえ or 仮に (かりに) and question words like どんな (what kind of) or どんなに (how much).
It will come directly after a word in plain form, a NOUN, or a NOUN or na-adjective followed by である.
↑ With all of that stuff out of the way, we can let the examples teach the rest of this lesson, yeah?
Just four of them to get through...
どんな ほうほう で やる にせよ、 あんぜん でなければならない。
Whatever way you do it, it needs to be safe.
Literally: “what kind of + method + で + do + にせよ, + safe + must be (=でなければならない).”
ドレスコード が ない にせよ、 みずぎ で いく なんて ひじょうしき というもの だ。
Even if there isn’t a dress code, not wearing a bathing suit is just common sense.
Literally: “dress code + が + there isn’t / don’t have + にせよ, + bathing suit / swimsuit + で + go + なんて + lacking common sense / absurd + というもの + だ.”
Note: This might be said in response to a person either wearing a bathing suit somewhere they shouldn't, or saying or appearing to believe that doing so would be acceptable.
たとえ こくおう から の めいれい である にせよ、 できない もの は できない。
Even if it is an order from the king himself, what can’t be done can’t be done.
Literally: “supposing / even if + king + from + の + order / command + である + にせよ, + cannot do + thing + は + cannot do.”
どんなに ちいさな うそ にせよ、 うそ は よくない。
Lying is bad, no matter how small the lie may be.
Literally: “how much + small + lie + にせよ, + lie + は + not good.”
Even if you don't feel like studying much today, at the very least, going through each sentence word by word would certainly be helpful.