759 - をめぐって

JLPT N2: をめぐって (centering around; surrounding; concerning)

をめぐって is a somewhat formal phrase that is used when talking about conflicts or debates surrounding a certain issue.

I emphasize the word "surrounding" because the verb 巡る (めぐる), which is where we get をめぐって from, means something like "to go around."

For example, you could say:

にほん の せかい いさん を めぐった。
We went around to Japan’s World Heritage Sites.
Literally: “Japan + の + World Heritage + を + went around.”

When using をめぐって, our sentence will follow a pattern like this:

NOUNをめぐって + [phrase about conflict, debate, etc.]

Here's an example:

みせいねん の はんにん の しょばつ をめぐって、 ぎろん が はくねつ している。
There is a fierce debate taking place concerning the punishment of the underage criminal.
Literally: “underage + の + criminal + の + punishment / penalty + をめぐって, + dispute / controversy + が + (becoming) white-hot + is doing.”

Another example:

はは の いさん の はいぶん をめぐって、 かぞく かいぎ が ひらかれた。
A family meeting was held to discuss the allotment of my mother’s inheritance.
Literally: “mother + の + inheritance + の + distribution / allotment + をめぐって, + family + meeting + が + was held.”

I guess I could have put "...was held concerning the allotment..." in the translation above. However, I thought it sounded most natural to just put "...was held to discuss the allotment..."

をめぐって can appear in other forms.

For example, you may see it as をめぐり

イギリス の イーユー りだつ をめぐり、 さまざまな いけん が みられる。
There are a variety of opinions surrounding the U.K.’s withdrawal from the E.U.
Literally: “U.K. + の + E.U. + separation / breaking away + をめぐり, + varied + opinion + が + can be seen.”

をめぐり and をめぐって are pretty much interchangeable. をめぐり sounds a bit stiffer than をめぐって... although they are both pretty stiff-sounding, formal phrases.

When you want to put をめぐって into a noun phrase, you'll need to change it to をめぐる.

In other words, if you're putting a NOUN both before and after it, use をめぐる

どれいせい をめぐる ながい ないせん が ようやく まく を とじた。
The long civil war centering around slavery finally came to a close.
Literally: “slavery (system) + をめぐる + long + civil war + が + at last / finally + came to a close (=curtain + を + closed).”

That's all for this one.


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