332 - 一方(で)
JLPT N2 Grammar: 一方(で)(いっぽう(で))
一方(で)is a conjunction that is used to show two actions at the same time, or contrast. It is usually translated as “on the one hand,” “at the same time,” or "while.”
Here is the construction:
Vplain(る)+ 一方(で)= する一方(で)
Vpast(た)+ 一方(で)= した一方(で)
Adj(い)+ 一方(で)= 難しい一方(で)
Adj(な)+ 一方(で)= 元気な一方(で)
AdjPast(い)+ 一方(で)= 難しかった一方(で)
AdjPast(な)+ 一方(で)= 元気だった一方(で)
To make this grammar point easier to understand, there are two different ways to think about the use of 一方(で).
The first is two contrasting aspects. For example; “I think X. On the other hand, I also think Y.” In this sentence, you can be thinking of two opposite things at the same time.
This is a really useful phrase for explaining your thought process on complex subjects, or things you are torn about.
The other is to show two actions occurring in parallel. For example; “We have to do X while doing Y.” In this sentence you are doing both of the two actions at the same time.
Now let’s get to the example sentences:
せかいてき に エイチアイブイ かんせんしゃすう は へっている いっぽうで、 にほん で は ぞうか している。
Internationally, the number of people infected with HIV is decreasing, while in Japan, it is increasing.
Literally: “internationally + HIV + number of infected people + は + decreasing + while + japan + で + は + increase + doing”
In the above sentence, you can see that the two opposite actions are occurring at the same time.
Here are a few more examples to solidify the point:
かのじょ は がんこな めん が ある いっぽう、 こまっている ひと を ほうって おけない やさしさ も もっている。
On the one hand, she has a stubborn side to her, but she also has a kind side that won't allow her to neglect a person in trouble.
Literally: “she + は + stubborn + surface/face (side) + が + ある + on the one hand + troubled + person + を + can't neglect + kindness + も + has”
わたし の いとこ は イタリアン レストラン で シェフ として はたらく いっぽうで、 とじょうこく で ボランティア かつどう も している。
My cousin works as a chef in an Italian restaurant, and he also does volunteering activities in developing countries.
Literally: “I + の + cousin + は + Italian + restaurant + で + chef + as + work + on one hand + developing countries + で + volunteer + activity + も + doing"
わたし の いえ で は はは が ネイルサロン を けいえい する いっぽう、 ちち が だいがくいん に かよっている。
In my house, my mother manages a nail salon, while my father goes to graduate school.
Literally: “I + の + house + で + は + mother + が + nail salon + を + manage + do + while + father + が + graduate school + に + attends”
Can you think of two parallel thoughts you want to express using 一方(で)? How about two contrasting thoughts? Try making a few example sentences using this new grammar point.
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: