261 - Getting a Haircut

Getting a haircut could have been one of the scariest things I have ever done in Japan.

I am generally very lax about my hair, not worrying too much about a bad haircut, and trusting my stylist with my overall look. But doing it in Japanese the first time was terrifying.

It's so scary to be in a situation where not being able to explain yourself means you won’t look the way you want. That is why I want to show you guys words and phrases to help you get over the hurdle of getting your haircut in Japan.

Here are some basic vocabulary words to start out:

カット Cut
パーマ Perm
染める(そめるTo dye

The first thing the hair dresser will ask you is what you want:

きょう は どう します か。
How would you like it today?
Literally: “today + は + how + do + か”

If you would like a haircut, you can simply say:

かっと を おねがいします。
A cut please.
Literally: “cut + を + please”

If you want your hair dyed you can say:

かみ を そめたい です。
I want to dye my hair.
Literally: "hair + を + want to dye + です"

If you'd like a perm you can say:

ぱーま を かけたい です。
I would like a perm.
Literally: "perm + を + want to do + です"

If you asked for a cut, they might ask you about the length:

ながさ は どう します か?
How would you like the length?
Literally: “length + は + how + do + か”

One of the easiest things to do is to find a picture and ask your stylist to make your hair look the same. This approach takes minimal language skills.

こんな ふう に して ください。
Please do it like this.
Literally: “this + way + に + do + please”

But even when you show them a picture, they are sure to ask about the finished product, and you will probably want to make adjustments.

Thin it out please.

この あたり、もっと みじかく して ください。
Please make this part shorter.
Literally: “this + area + more + short + do + please”

If you don’t have a picture, but you know the name of a particular style of haircut, you could start with that.

すぽーつがり に して ください。
A buzz cut please.
Literally: “buzz cut + に + do + please”

Here are names of some other hairstyles:

肩までの長さ(かた まで の ながさShoulder Length
ボブ Bob

If you don’t want them to cut a certain part of your hair you can tell them to leave it the same:

まえがみ は そのまま で いい です。
Please leave my bangs the way they are.
Literally: “bangs + は + as it is + で + good + です”

Finally, if you are extra adventurous, you can always use this expression to tell the hairstylist to do what they like with your hair:

おまかせ します。
I will leave it to you. / I trust you to it.

Good luck getting a hair cut in Japan!

This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor:

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