251 - Crime and Punishment, Part 2
Today we're looking at the answer to the mystery we looked at in the previous lesson.
Before moving onto this lesson, maybe try reading it again (ignoring the English translations, if you can).
Then come back here and test yourself.
There is a hint below, and then the answer.
In the app, when you think you have the answer, you click on the “guess” button” labeled 推理(すいり).
あやしい と おもった ぶんしょう を せんたく しよう!
Select the sentence that you think is suspicious!
Literally: “suspicious + と + think + sentence + を + select + lets do”
はんにん は さんぐらす を かけていた おとこ でした。
The criminal was a man wearing sunglasses.
Literally: “criminal + は + sunglasses + を + was wearing + man + でした”
はんにん の とくちょう について うんてんしゅ が うそ を ついている と わかる ぶぶん は どこ でしょう?
Where is the part that makes you understand the driver is lying about the criminals characteristics?
Literally: “criminal + の + characteristic + about + driver + が + lie + を + telling + を + understand + part + は + where + でしょう”
If you selected the correct sentence you will get this screen which means "Correct!" 正解(せいかい)
Well Done, Solution
きれいな あお の ひとみ
Beautiful blue eyes
はんにん は さんぐらす を かけていた はず です。
The criminal is supposed to be wearing sunglasses.
Literally: “criminal + は + sunglasses + を + was wearing + supposed to + です”
ひとみ が きれいな あお だ と しょうげん できる のは おかしい です よ ね。
That he was able to testify that his eyes were pretty blue is strange isn’t it.
Literally: “eyes + が + pretty + blue + だ + と + testimony + able to + のは + strange + です + よ + ね”
Did you enjoy this story? If so, download the app in the App store and try another one. The game is filled with hundreds of stories like this to practice your Japanese and critical thinking skills. So go have fun with it!
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: