250 - Crime and Punishment, Part 1
When it comes to Japanese apps, there are thousands to chose from to practice and improve your studies. But you should also have fun! I am always searching for new learning apps and games to practice my Japanese, and more importantly, have a bit of fun.
I ran across one game recently that I think you guys might enjoy. The app (アプリ in Japanese) is called 罪と罰(つみとばつ)which means “crime and punishment.”
The game is simple. You read a short story about a crime that happened, then at the end, someone from the story is lying and you have to figure out why. It is usually based on some contradiction in the witness testimony.
For example, “when a girl dies near a convenience store the detectives interview a worker. He says he is upset someone would stab such a beautiful girl.” Of course, how did the worker know she was stabbed? So he is obviously the killer.
In the app, when you find out where someone lied, you highlight the sentence and submit your answer.
So now that you get the idea, let’s do one together!
See if you can figure this one out on your own.
[Crime and Punishment] Stage 1-4 [A Gun Was Thrust At Me]
どあ を あけたら いきなり けんじゅう を つきつけられた んです!
“When I opened the door, a gun was suddenly thrust at me”
Literally: “door + when opened + suddenly + gun + を + thrust at + んです”
もう こわくて こわくて…
“So scary”
Note: もう in this case is used to emphasize the emotion
おとなしく しじ に したがう というと、めかくし を されて うで を しばられ、くるま の そと へ ほうりだされました
“When I said I would obey his instructions, I was blindfolded, my arms were tied, and I was thrown out of the car.”
Literally: “obediently + instruction + に + obey + said + blindfold + を + was + arm + を + bound + car + の + outside + へ + thrown out”
ゆうかいはん に くるま を うばわれた たくしー うんてんしゅ は そう かたる。
Said the taxi driver, who had his car stolen.
Literally: “kidnapper + に + car + を + taken by force + taxi + driver + は + in that way + said”
はんにん の とくちょう です か?
“What did the criminal look like?”
Literally: “criminal + の + characteristics + です + か”
ええと…さんぐらす を かけた やせがた の おとこ で、せ は たかかった です
“Umm, he was a man with a slender build wearing sunglasses, he was tall”
Literally: “ umm + sunglasses + を + wore + slender build + の + man + で + back + は + tall + です”
かみ は みじかくて…すぽーつがり という んです か、あんな かんじ でした
“His hair was short, like a sport cut, or kinda like that”
Literally: “hair + は + short + sport cut + called + んです + か + that + feeling + でした”
いろ は あかるくて…きんぱつ の ように みえました ね
“The color was light, seemed kind of blonde.”
Literally: “color + は + light + blonde + の + like that + seemed + ね”
それから、きれいな あお の ひとみ を していました
“And he had pretty blue eyes”
Literally: “and + pretty + blue + の + eyes + を + had”
にほんご は りゅうちょう でした から、はーふ か、くぉーたー かもしれません
“Because he was fluent in Japanese, he might have been a half, or quarter (Japanese)”
Literally: “Japanese + は + fluent + was + because + half + か + quarter + might be”
Note: In Japanese, the terms ハーフ and クォーター mean half Japanese and quarter Japanese.
すぱい えいが の どうじょうじんぶつ みたいな ぶらっくすーつ を きて、かわ の てぶくろ を していました
“He was wearing a black suit like the character in a spy movie, and leather gloves”
Literally: “spy + movie + の + character + like + black suit + を + wear + leather + の + gloves + を + wore”
“I see…”
あらい けいじ、 めも は けっこう です
“Detective Arai, that’s enough for the notes”
Literally: “Arai + detective + notes + は + enough + です”
しんけん に めも を とる あらい けいじ に まった を かけ、わたし は うんてんしゅ に わらいかけた。
I told Detective Arai to stop seriously taking notes, and I laughed at the driver.
Literally: “earnestly + に + notes + を + take + Arai + detective + に + stopped + I + は + driver + に + laughed at”
Note: The idiomatic phrase 待ったをかける means "to put a stop to; to put the brakes on."
うんてんしゅさん、うそ を つく のは やめて ください
“Taxi driver, please stop telling lies”
Literally: “driver + lie + を + tell + のは + stop + please”
うそ だ って?
“A lie?”
Did you figure out what the Taxi Driver was lying about his story? Read through it again if you have to. We'll be looking at the answer in the next lesson!
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: