497 - ~てから (since)
This lesson is on:
JLPT N4: ~てから (since)
...but didn't we already have a lesson ~てから?
Yes, we did. But that lesson was on using ~てから to talk about doing one action after another one: [NDL #434] - JLPT N5: てから.
Here's an example we saw:
しゅくだい を ぜんぶ やってから あそび に いきます。
I'll go play after I've finished all of my homework.
Literally: "homework + を + all + after having done (=do [and] + from) + playing + に + go."
But the ~てから in this lesson is for marking the point at which a state, condition, or change begins.
Here's an example of ~てから being used to describe the point at which a change began:
ヨガ を はじめてから、 からだ が やわらかく なった。
My body became more flexible after starting yoga.
Literally: “yoga + を + start (and) + from, + body + が + soft + became.”
In this sentence, starting yoga was the starting point for what happens in the second clause: "My body became a lot more flexible."
Translations of sentences containing this usage of ~てから will often use words like "since" and "after."
Since I started yoga, my body has become more flexible.
After starting yoga, my body became more flexible.
My body has become more flexible since I started yoga.
Or the original translation works, too. Take your pick.
The second half of the sentence does not necessarily have to describe a change (like the above example). It can also show the continuance of some state:
だいがく を そつぎょう してから、 もう じゅうねん たちました。
It has already been ten years since I graduated college.
Literally: “university + を + graduation + do (and) + from, + already + ten years + passed.”
This should be review by now, but we're just attaching から, which means "from," to the end of verbs in the て-form.
We spent more time exploring conjugation and sentence formation in the last ~てから lesson. So you might want to review that if you're having trouble putting verbs into て-form and attaching から to them.
Only two more examples, and you'll be done learning this relatively simple--and extremely useful--grammar point.
アメリカ に ひっこして きてから、 たいじゅう が じゅっ キロ も ふえた。
I’ve gained ten whole kilos since I moved to the US.
Literally: “America + に + move (residence) (and) + come (and) + from, + body weight + が + ten + kilos + も + increased.”
Note: I wrote "ten whole kilos" in an attempt to maintain the nuance that this is a lot, which is shown by the particle も.
こども たち が いえ を でてから、 うち は とても しずか です。
Our house has been really quiet since the kids moved out.
Literally: “children + が + house + を + went out of (and) + from, + house / home + は + very + quiet + です.”
And you're done!
That was a quick one, yeah?
Reviewing other lessons using て-form may be helpful if you're feeling a little lost:
[NDL #329] - JLPT N5: て-form (Introduction)
[NDL #337] - JLPT N4: て (descriptive connector)
[NDL #343] - JLPT N5: て-form (parallel actions & contrast)
[NDL #365] - JLPT N4: て (reason, cause)
[NDL #434] - JLPT N5: てから
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