763 - ~ましょうか (shall I...?)
JLPT N4: ~ましょうか (shall I...?)
You may recall that we saw how ~ましょう can be used to say "let's VERB" back in this N5 lesson: [NDL #469] - JLPT N5: ~ましょう.
As you've likely realized by now, ~ましょう has other uses as well, many of which show up repeatedly throughout our NDLs.
One such use that you'll be tested on in the JLPT N4 is using ~ましょうかwhen offering to do something for someone:
V ます + ましょうか
shall I VERB? // how about I VERB? // why don't I VERB?
If you've forgotten how to conjugate ~ましょう, please go back to that N5 lesson mentioned earlier.
Our first example:
さむい です ね。 ストーブ を つけましょうか。
It’s cold, isn’t it? Shall I turn on the heater?
Literally: “cold + です + ね. + heater + を + let’s turn on + か.”
ええ、 つけて ください。
Yes, please turn it on.
Literally: “yes, + turn on (and) + please.”
To be honest, I don't really like using the phrasing "Shall I VERB?" in English translations... because I see this sentence pattern used far too much in English-learning books and courses in Japan. But, yeah... it does match up pretty nicely with this usage of ~ましょうか.
You'll come across the usage of ~ましょうか showing up in this lesson again and again.
This is one of those grammar points you'll want to be able to use yourself.
After all, it's nice offering to help people with stuff...
たいへん そうです ね。 てつだいましょうか。
You seem to be having a hard time. Would you like me to help you?
Literally: “difficult / tough / having trouble + it looks like + です + ね. + let’s help + か.”
すみません。 おねがいします。
Sorry, yeah, could you?
Literally: “excuse me / sorry, + please (do).”
Are you keeping up with these dialogues?
Here's another:
だいじょうぶ です か。 きゅうきゅうしゃ を よびましょうか。
Are you all right? Would you like me to call an ambulance?
Literally: “all right / OK + です + か. + ambulance + を + let’s call + か.”
いえ、 だいじょうぶ です。 ありがとう ございます。
No, that’s OK. Thank you, though.
Literally: “no, + all right / OK + です. + thank you.”
In casual language, be sure to use the casual conjugations of ~ましょう:
わたし の けいたい を かそうか。
Want me to lend you my phone?
Literally: “I + の + cell phone + を + let’s lend + か.”
すみません。 かして ください。
Sorry. Yes, please let me borrow it.
Literally: “sorry / excuse me, + lend (and) + please.”
Again, if you don't know how/why verbs are conjugated like this, go back to that earlier lesson.
Another casual example:
あめ が ふってる から、 くるま で おくって あげようか?
It’s raining, so why don’t I drive you there?
Literally: “rain + が + is falling + because, + car + で + send / take (you) (and) + let’s give + か?”
いいの? ありがとう。
Are you sure? Thank you.
Literally: “good + の? + thanks.”
The end!
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