750 - ~といい (should)

JLPT N4: ~といい (should; [would be] good if [you])

We just saw ~たらいい as it is used for giving recommendations: [NDL #749] - JLPT N4: ~たらいい (should).

The usage of ~といい that we're looking at in this lesson pretty much expresses the same thing.

Vるといい」is used when pointing out, recommending, or advising a course of action that seems good to the speaker.

Accordingly, it is sometimes natural to translate Vるといい as "should VERB." Other times, a better translation might be "(would be) good if (you) VERB."

An example:

やけど を したら、 すぐ に ひやす といい。
If you burn yourself, you should cool off the burnt area right away. // When you've burnt yourself, it's good to cool off the burnt area right away.
Literally: “burn + を + if (you) did, + right away + should chill/cool (=chill + と + good).”

Or we could say:

ねる まえ は、 かるく ストレッチ を する といい。
It’s good to stretch a bit before going to bed.
Literally: “sleep + before + は, + lightly + stretch + を + should do (=do + と + good).”

You may remember that we've seen a different usage of ~といい before: [NDL #560] - JLPT N4: ~といい (hope).

Specifically, we saw that ~といい can be used when expressing one's hopes or wishes:

あした、 ゆき が ふらない といい ね。
Let’s hope it doesn’t snow tomorrow.
Literally: “tomorrow, + snow + が + doesn’t fall + と + good + ね.”

うん。 いい てんき だ といい ね。
Yeah, hopefully the weather’s nice.
Literally: “yeah. + good + weather + だ + と + good + ね.”

We saw similar types of sentences in these lessons, too:
- [NDL #561] - JLPT N4: ~たらいい (hope)
- [NDL #567] - JLPT N4: ~ばいい (hope)

But enough talk about hope. Let's give each other advice...

アニメ が すき なら、 あきはばら に つれていって あげる といい です よ。
If she likes anime, you should take her to Akihabara.
Literally: “anime + が + liked + if (it’s the case that), + Akihabara + に + should take (=take [her] [and] + go [and] + give + と + good) + です + よ.”

えびす えき なら、 あるいて いく といい です。 じゅっぷん も かからない から。
If you’re going to Ebisu Station, you should walk. It’s only about ten minutes from here.
Literally: “Ebisu Station + if (it’s the case that), + should walk (walk [and] + go + と + good) + です. + ten minutes + も + doesn’t take + because.”

Note that you should not use ~といい when you are advising someone not to do something:

✕ 虫刺されはいくら痒くても、かかないといいよ。
✕ むしさされ は いくら かゆくても、 かかない といい よ。
✕ No matter how itchy they are, you shouldn’t scratch bug bites.
✕ Literally: “bug bite + は + how much + even if itchy, + shouldn't scratch (=don’t scratch + と + good) + よ.”

Instead, you would use ~ない方がいい~ないほうがいい):

〇 虫刺されはいくら痒くても、かかない方がいいよ。
〇 むしさされ は いくら かゆくても、 かかない ほう が いい よ。
〇 No matter how itchy they are, you shouldn’t scratch bug bites.
〇 Literally: “bug bite + は + how much + even if itchy, + don’t scratch + way + が + good + よ.”

↑ That sentence is from a previous lesson, yo: [NDL #470] - JLPT N4: ~たほうがいい.

Although I said that ~たらいい and ~といい are pretty much the same, there is one important difference:

You should not use ~といい when asking for advice on what you should do. In that case, ~たらいい is better:

✕ しゃっくりが止まらない時は、どうするといいですか。
✕ しゃっくり が とまらない とき は、 どう する といい です か。
✕ What should you do when you can’t stop hiccuping?
✕ Literally: “hiccups + が + won’t stop + time / when + は, + what should (you) do (=how + do + と + good) + です + か.”

〇 しゃっくりが止まらない時は、どうしたらいいですか。
〇 しゃっくり が とまらない とき は、 どう したらいい です か。
〇 What should you do when you can’t stop hiccuping?
〇 Literally: “hiccups + が + won’t stop + time / when + は, + what should (you) do (=how + if [you] do + good) + です + か.”

Congratulations on making it to the end of yet another lesson.

In our next N4 lesson, we'll look at ~ばいい, which is similar to ~たらいい and ~といい.

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