199 - Try everything! (Part 4)
I know it's been a long journey, so I promise you that today we will wrap things up quickly and at the end I will give you all the lyrics without interruptions so you can have fun and sing along that nice addicting song (I can only hope that you haven't gotten tired of it by now).
Here are all of the lessons we've seen so far:
[NDL #196] - Try everything! (Part 1)
[NDL #197] - Try everything! (Part 2)
[NDL #198] - Try everything! (Part 3)
Now let's get our engines going! (like I said in our last lesson, we will skip some of the repeating lyrics).
しっぱい する こと で もっと つよく なっていく ん だから。
Because it's by failure that you become stronger.
Literally: 'By failing + more + strong + become + because'
Note 1: In our first lesson of "try everything" I told you how:
Something + する + こと is just how Japanese people describe doing something in general. So in this case also 'こと' does not mean 'thing' in the literal sense, but it comes in a set with the verb before it and together they take on the meaning of doing that 'something' in general, in this case, 'failing':
しっぱい する こと
Literally: 'failure + mak(e) + ing'
だから いい の
So it's okay
Literally: 'That's why + all right + の'
Note: だから has two meanings. Let's see what's going on here:
から = because
だから = because or that's why
Remember how I told you that ’から’ comes at the end of the sentence, after you have stated the reason?
So first you have the cause, then you put ’から’.
With だから , when put at the beginning of a sentence, indicates that it will be followed by the consequence.
So first you have 'だから', and then you have the effect.
Let's take another look at the sentence:
強くなっていくんだから ← だから used as 'because' after a cause.
つよく なっていく ん だから。
Because you become stronger.
Literally: ' strong + become + because'
だからいいの ← だから used as 'that's why' followed by an effect
だから いい の
So it's okay
Literally: 'That's why + all right + の'
So! We're finally done. Time for your reward. We came all this way together, you guys deserve it. Press the play button and let your inner diva free:
だめ だった。
It went bad.
Literally: 'No good+ was'.
うまく いかない。
It won't go well.
Literally: 'Well + won't go'
そんな こと ばかり よ ね。
Things like these (just keep happening), right?.
Literally: 'These (kind of) + things + only + right?.'
それ でも ね
But still, you know
Literally: 'that + in spite + ね (right)?'
すすんで いく の
(I) keep going
Literally: 'moving on + go + の'
ちゃんと まえ を むいて
(I) face forward earnestly.
Literally: 'earnestly/properly + forward + を + face'.
まちがえる こと で やっと わかる こと だって ある から。
Because it's by making mistakes that you get to finally understand some things as well.
Literally: ' To make a mistake + by + finally + understand + things + as well + there are + because'.
あきらめないで いこう
Let's not give up and go (move forward)
Literally: 'not give up + let's go'
どんな こと が あった としても
No matter what
Literally: 'What(ever) + things + が + are (happen) + assuming'
なんど でも
As many times (as it takes)
Literally: 'how many times + even'
だめ だ としても
Even if it doesn't go well
Literally: 'Not good/failure + だ + even if'
むかって いけば いい よ
You should just go for it.
Literally: 'face (it and) + go (forward) + should + good + よ'.
あきらめないで いこう どんな こと が あった としても
Let's not give up and go (move forward) No matter what
Literally: 'Not give up + let's go + what(ever) + things + が + are (happen) + even if / assuming'
なんど でも
As many times (as it takes)
Literally: 'how many times + even'
そう なんど だって
Yes! As many times (as it takes)
Literally: 'Indeed + how many times + even'.
むかって いけば いい よ
You should just face it and move on forward.
Literally: 'Face (it) + if go + good + よ'
オオオオー やるのよ
おおおおおー やる の よ
Oh oh oh oh oh ooh (you) do it
Literally: '(many oh's) + do + の + よ'
オオオオオー 何度も
おおおおおー なんど も
Oh oh oh oh oh ooh again and again.
Literally: '(many oh's) + how many times + も'
オオオオオー やるのよ
おおおおおー やる の よ
Oh oh oh oh oh ooh (you) do it
Literally: '(many oh's) + do + の + よ'
ねぇ へいき よ
Hey, it's alright
Literally: 'hey + alright + よ'
うまく いく わ
It'll go well
Literally: 'well + go + わ'
がんばり すぎないで ね
Don't try too hard
Literally: 'Do one's best + not too much + ね'
すこしずつ すすめば いい
You should make progress little by little.
Literally:'little by little + if go forward + good'
できる こと を やる だけ
Just do what you can
Literally: 'can do + things + を + do + just'
あきらめないで いこう
Let's move forward and not give up
Literally: 'not give up + move forward'
どんな こと が あった としても
Let's not give up and go (move forward) No matter what
Literally: 'Not give up + let's go + what(ever) + things + が + are (happen) + even if / assuming'
なんど でも
As many times (as it takes)
Literally: 'how many times + even'
だめ だ としても
Even if it doesn't go well
Literally: 'Not good/failure + だ + even if'
むかって いけば いい よ
You should just face it and move on forward.
Literally: 'Face (it) + if go + good + よ'
あきらめないで いこう
Let's move forward and not give up
Literally: 'not give up + move forward'
どんな こと が あった としても
Let's not give up and go (move forward) No matter what
Literally: 'Not give up + let's go + what(ever) + things + が + are (happen) + even if / assuming'
なんど でも
As many times (as it takes)
Literally: 'how many times + even'
そう なんど だって
Yes, as many times (as it takes)
Literally: 'Indeed + how many times + even'
むかって いけば いい よ
You should just face it and move on forward.
Literally: 'Face (it) + if go + good + よ'
しっぱい する こと で もっと つよく なっていく ん だから。
Because it's by failure that you become stronger.
Literally: 'By failing + more + strong + become + because'
だから いい の
So it's okay
Literally: 'That's why + all right + の'
オオオオー やるのよ
おおおおおー やる の よ
Oh oh oh oh oh ooh (you) do it
Literally: '(many oh's) + do + の + よ'
オオオオオー 何度も
おおおおおー なんど も
Oh oh oh oh oh ooh (you) do it
Literally: '(many oh's) + do + の + よ'
The end. See you next time!
This lesson was written by Adriana, a guest contributor.