195 - According to によって
When I was in Japanese class, one of my favorite things was discussing the customs, culture, and laws of all the countries that my classmates were from. Not only was I learning Japanese, I was also learning a lot about the world, which was fantastic. But there was a problem when, as the only American in class, the questions finally came around to me.
America is a big place, like really big. People from other countries don’t get it sometimes. I told my class once that I took a “short” 6 hour drive to go see my family and most of them were in shock. You could drive straight through most of their countries in that amount of time. Anyway, I digress.
Because America is huge, the customs, culture and laws can be vastly different from state to state. So when the teacher would ask me about American driving laws, traditional foods, or accents; my response was always, “Ummm…”
Until finally, I found the perfect phrase:
しゅう によって ちがいます。
It’s different depending on the state.
Literally: “State + depending on + different”
A multitude of questions about America can be summed up with this simple answer.
Q: What is the process of getting married like in America?
A: 州によって違います。
Q: What kind of fireworks are legal in America?
A: 州によって違います。
Q: What is the speed limit in America?
A: 州によって違います。
And so on, you get the idea.
This phrase is incredibly useful, not only for talking about America, but for talking about a lot of different subjects. So let's get down to it, and discover why によって will become a great tool in your Japanese toolbox.
によって can have many different meanings, and it is a lifesaver when it comes to understanding and speaking Japanese.
Here are 3 different ways you can use によってto up your Japanese grammar level.
1.) “Depending on”
Just as in the example I used above, this is one of the main uses of によって.
しごと は じき によって いそがしい とき と ひま な とき が ある。
My job is busy at times and not busy at other times, depending on the season.
Literally: “I + の + job + は + time / period / season + によって + busy + time + と + not busy + time + が + there is."
わたし の きぶん は てんき によって かわる。
My mood changes depending on the weather.
Literally: “I + の + mood + は + weather + depending on + change”
2.) “Due to, according to”
その テロ によって すべて の くうこう が へいさ された。
All airports were closed due to the terrorist attack.
Literally: “that + terrorism + によって + all + の + airports + が + were shut down.”
じしん によって おきた つなみ
Tsunami that occurred due to an earthquake
Literally: “earthquake + due to + occurred + tsunami”
3.) “By”
This is used specifically if someone is taking an action in a passive sentence.
The Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar states it best; “when the subject of the passive sentence is inanimate (...) the agent has to be marked not by に but, by によって.”
For example:
あめりか たいりく は ころんぶす によって はっけんされた。
The continent of America was discovered by Columbus.
Literally: “America + continent + は + Columbus + by + discovered.
この しゃしん は かれ によって さつえいされた。
The photo was taken by him.
Literally: “this + photo + は + he + by + was taken”
Note: As you can see, both sentences use された instead of した. This indicates a passive sentence, which is why によってis used... although in conversation, it's pretty common to hear Japanese people just saying に, too.
Now see if you can make a few sentences with によって and use them when you speak Japanese!
This lesson was written by Cassy L., a guest contributor: