Staying Motivated
As you're likely already thinking, looking at those giant lists I just threw at you, this is going to be a ton of work. But honestly, I know you can do this. What I've come to realize over time is that learning a language isn't about being smart or not being smart. Instead, learning a language is requires motivation, discipline, and a systematic approach.
Discipline is greatness.
Smart people don't learn languages. Only disciplined people do. And discipline is not a talent, is not something you're born with. Discipline is a skill. And since it's a skill, it can—like all skills—be learned. For me, discipline is about putting future wants ahead of immediate wants. What do I want more: To watch a TV show I've already seen or to be fluent in Japanese? If only it were that simple, right? Well, discipline is just about brainwashing yourself into believing that it really is that simple. I cannot think: Do I want to go for a run or do I want to sit here? Instead, I must think: Do I want to be in shape or do I want to sit here?
Motivation and systems make discipline easy.
By changing our mindsets, building habits, and managing our time efficiently, discipline becomes much easier. When we combine our disciplined approach with a precise study system, we accelerate learning, which motivates us more, and we build a finer-tuned study system that is integrated with routines that mesh well with our lifestyles, thus limiting the amount of willpower and discipline required to master Japanese.
You can do this. I promise you.
Keep swimming.
Finally, I have one last task for you…