322 - くする

I love i-adjectives. And I think you should too.

What's an i-adjective? asks student who never reads these lessons.

Japanese has two types of adjectives:

i-adjectives all end in い, like おいしい, "delicious." These adjectives are awesome. Think of these as "lovely-ee-ee i-adjectives."

na-adjectives (usually) don't end in い. They also have identity crises and act as nouns sometimes. Think of these as "evil adjectives."

We like i-adjectives because they can form sentences all by themselves. They don't even need copulas like だ in casual sentences. You can see a whole bunch of these 1-word sentences in these two lessons of ours:

[NDL #200] - Super-Duper-Delicious
[NDL #201] - Super-Duper-Delicious, 第2!

Prep yourself before you wreck yourself.

You should know or learn all of these words before reading the rest of this lesson (unless you're just going to skim over everything like a lazy... uh... student)...


early; quick



cheap; inexpensive




jam (e.g. "strawberry jam")

emptiness; blank
Note: When pronounced 空 (そら), this word means "sky."


to do; to make

to get up; to wake up; to occur

Morphing i-adjectives into adverbs.

To make an i-adjective into an adverb, we just drop off the final い and replace it with く...


early; quick


quickly; soon; early

Usually an adverb like this will come directly before a verb:

はやく おきる
to get up early
Literally: "early + get up."

Grammar Time

JLPT N5: ~くする

Step #1 - Take an i-adjective like like 短い (みじかい // short).

Step #2 - Make it into an adverb: 短く (みじかく).

Step #3 - Add する.

Those three steps will make a phrase that means "make (something) i-adjective."

Like this:

みじかく する
to make short

Let's see that in a full sentence:

まえがみ を にセンチ ぐらい みじかくして ください。
Please cut [make] my bangs about two centimeters shorter.
Literally: "bangs + を + 2 centimeters + approximately + short + do + please."

I wish we could say that in English. Yo, hair lady, do short 2 centies off the top for me, will ya?

I thought that was really funny... I need to get out more...

Moving on...

Stuff to note about this grammar point:

★ It is used to describe a willful change to something. In English, this often corresponds to the phrase "make + adjective." For example, "make spicy," "make smaller," "make better," etc.

★ Because it is used with willful changes, the verb after ~く will always be a transitive verb. If you don't know what a transitive verb is, don't fret, we'll get to it eventually. (Hint: する, which we'll be using in our examples, is a transitive verb.) You should also read this lesson: [NDL #14] - Knock-Down, Pass-Out Japanese.

★ Though it's very common to have an i-adjective (made into an adverb) before the verb, we can also have nouns and na-adjectives. We'll talk about these later in the lesson.


ひどい ひまん だった から、 しゅじゅつ で い を ちいさくしました。
I was morbidly obese, so I had surgery to make my stomach smaller.
Literally: "severe + obesity + was + because, + surgery + で + stomach + を + small + did."

たくさん かう から、 もうすこし やすくして くれませんか。
I'm going to buy many of them, so could you possibly lower the price (=make them cheaper)?
Literally: "many + buy + because, + a little more + cheep + do + could you please (~てくれませんか).

Now it gets tricky.

Well, not tricky, I guess. Just different.

For i-adjectives: ~くする
For nouns and na-adjectives: ~にする

So all we have to do is put に after a noun or na-adjective to form the same type of sentence.

For example, let's look at a sentence with the na-adjective 静か (しずか // quiet):

まわりのひと に めいわく だから しずか にしなさい。
Quiet down (=make quiet); you'll bother these other people.
Literally: "surrounding people + に + bothersome + だ + because + quiet + に + do [command form]."

にわ で とれた ブルーベリー を ジャム に しました。
I used the blueberries I picked from the garden to make jam.
Literally: "garden + で + removed / took off + blueberries + を + jam + に + did."
Note: A more literal translation of the end of the sentence would be "made the blueberries into jam."

きんぞくたんちき の ゲート を くぐる まえ に、 ポケット を から に して ください。
Please empty (=make empty) your pockets before passing through the metal detector.
Literally: "metal detector + の + gate + を + pass under/through + before + に, + pocket + を + empty + に + do + please."

Those sentences might seem long and intimidating. If so, maybe try matching each word to the literal translation, then go back to the beginning and read through them again (a few times).

Happy studies, fellow student. Or at least, pain-free studies?

No? Low-pain studies? *_*

Bonus Sentences:

そら は なんで あおい の?
Why is the sky blue?
Literally: "sky + は + why + blue + の?"

けさ は いつも より はやく おきました。
I woke up earlier than usual today.
Literally: "this morning + は + always + more than + early + got up / woke up."

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