115 - Internet Banner Ads
I'm not too sure why, but over the last couple of months, I've seen a significant increase in the number of Japanese banner ads that have been popping up in my web browser (as opposed to just English ones).
I've been taking screenshots, collecting them for a lesson. This lesson!
Step #1 - Test Your Skills
Let's see how many of these you can dissect accurately...

Step #2 - Uh... Learn... Stuff
Here are some quick translations and breakdowns...
(Note: I'm leaving out parts of the Japanese that are more or less useless for us to study, mostly to save [your] time.)
たいしょく は、 まえむき に しよう。
Let's quit work in a positive way.
Literally: "leaving a work position + は, + forward-looking + に + let's make."
ぜっさん さいようちゅう です。 てんしょく なら グリーン。
Now hiring heavily. Green, the choice for changing jobs.
Literally: "highly popular + employment + are doing + is. + changing jobs + if + Green."
Note: "Hiring heavily" doesn't match up with "highly popular + employment + are doing + is," right? The problem is this word 絶賛(ぜっさん), which actually means "highly reviewed; highly praised; popular," but it's being used here to say that they are hiring a "large number" of applicants. Don't worry if that doesn't make sense to you, because it doesn't make sense to me, either.
うつした まま から、 かんじた まま へ。
From the way you took it, to the way you felt it.
Literally: "photographed + as it is + from, + felt + as it is + to."
おもいえがいた いろ を さいげん する ほうほう、 こうかいちゅう。
"How to Reproduce the Colors You Envision," Available Now.
Literally: "envisioned + color + を + reproduce + method, + now open to the public."
その あまもり ほうっておいて だいじょうぶ?
It is all right to just ignore that leak?
Literally: "that + roof leak + leave alone + OK?"
そうだ、 やね の しゅうり ・ こうじ を しよう。
That's right. It's time to fix the roof.
Literally: "that's right, + roof + の + repair ・ construction + を + let's do."
えっ、 にほんじん だったん です か?
I didn't know you were Japanese. // Huh? You're Japanese?
Literally: "Huh? + Japanese (person) + were + ん + is + か?"
えいご は ルール が わかれば かんたんに ききとれる。
If you understand the rules of English, you can catch what people are saying.
Literally: "English + は + rules + が + if you understand + simply + can catch (the sound of)."
その じゅうはっこ の ルール を いま だけ むりょう こうかいちゅう!
Those 18 rules are now available for free for a limited time.
Literally: "those + eighteen (things) + の + rules + を + now + only + free + open to the public now."
Note: Notice that 18個 is NOT written as じゅうはちこ. Rather, it is written as じゅうはっこ. However, I've heard Japanese people say it both ways.
Amazon 4部門でランキング上位独占!
アマゾン よんぶもん で ランキング じょうい どくせん!
Ranked at the top of 4 categories on Amazon!
Literally: "Amazon + 4 categories + で + ranking + superior rank + monopoly!"
げっきゅう ごじゅうごまんえん かせげる
テストエンジニア はけん
You can make 550,000 yen a month as a dispatch test engineer.
Literally, #1: "monthly salary + 55 ten thousand yen + can earn."
Literally, #2: "test engineer + dispatch.
Increase your skills
Literally: "skill-up"
こうじょうけん が おおい
Favorable working conditions
Literally: "favorable terms + が + many."
きゅうか が とりやすい
Easy to take breaks
Literally: "break + が + easy to take."
かんたん さんじゅうびょう とうろく
Simple 30-second registration
Literally: "easy + 30 second + registration."
きゅうじん とうろく は コチラ
Click here to register
Literally: "hiring + registration + は + here."
The End!
That was a lot of information, yeah?
I was gonna break down language and talk about grammar, but I think I'll save it for the next lesson or something instead.