274 - Dimples, Freckles, and Curls
So I started learning Russian lately... which has zero to do with this lesson but as a beginner in a language I remembered what it's like to just be like... "So where do I start from?"
Well for me it's the body parts. For some reason this is the first thing I want to know what to call when studying a new language.
Now you may already know basics like 手 (て // hands) and 足 (あし // feet) and such. But what about the little things? the curls, the navel, the freckles?
...Also, that thing, that really cute thing that pops up on your face when you smile, what is it called?
えくぼ かわいい ね。
Your dimples are cute.
Literally: "dimples + cute + ね."
And what do you call all the types of hair?
You can have:
curly hair
Literally: "Natural perm."
You'll sometimes also see it shrinked down to 天パ/てんぱ/curly hair.
Then you have just the usual:
straight hair
Literally: 'straight + hair'
But then there's also the
frizzy/unruly hair
Literally: 'fault, kink + hair'
...which is to say messy hair... although that does not necessarily have a bad nuance.
I sometimes like to play this game: When I learn a new word I google it and see what search suggestions pop up. In this case we had
くせげ の なおしかた
How to fix frizzy/messy hair
Literally: 'Messy hair + の + fixing + method'
...It's a bad hair day everyday for some poor souls out there.
On a brighter note, let's see what other hidden body parts we can think of:
belly button
Note: The kanji is not too commonly used for this word, so I wouldn't worry about it.
In this case one of the first search suggestions was...
へそ の ていれ
How to take care of your belly button
Literally: 'navel + の + care'
If there is one spot I forget about when taking a shower, this must be it.
Note: 手入れ is a good word to know. It literally means "putting the hand in" and can generally be translated as "taking care of something", to signify "caring", "grooming" or "maintaining (something)."
にわ の ていれ
garden maintenance
Literally: 'garden + の + maintenance'
どうぐ の ていれ
Tool maintenance
Literally: 'Tools + の + maintenance'
Back to the belly button, though. Truth is we shouldn't mess with it too much.
へそ は あまり いじらない ほうが いい です。
(You) shouldn't mess with your bellybutton too much.
Literally: 'navel + は + too much + not mess (with) + way + better + です.'
We have to work a little around the concept of あまり, because it sometimes gets translated as 'not really' but in all actuality 'too much' is an all-around good translation. With a little stretch, that is. Let's see how that goes.
ちょこれーと は あまり すき じゃ ない。
I don't really like chocolate.
Literally: "Chocolate + は + too much + like + not." -> I don't like chocolate too much
... which is a nice way of saying "I don't like it at all but since you brought it up by offering me some I can't really go 'eeew' in your face so I'm just gonna say as nicely as possible that I would rather not have any.'
(Yes, I am one of those strange creatures that does not like chocolate. Loved it as a kid, now it's... too sweet, or too fake, or my body just doesn't need any and purposefully makes it taste bland or just 'meh')
かのじょ の せいせき は あまり よく ない。
Her grades aren't that good.
Literally: "Her + の + grades + は + too much + good + not" -> Her grades aren't 'too much' good.
Which is, again, a nice way of saying "Dude, your kid really sucks at math." My high school teachers could learn a thing or two from the Japanese language.
Last but not least, let me list off some stuff that didn't make it in the top:
Note: If we use the (highly uncommon) kanji for this word, 雀斑, then it would mean "sparrow spots."
And one that I recently remembered and is oftentimes found on Asian baby butts:
Mongolian spot
These are very common blue and sometimes gray patches of skin on newborn Asian baby butts. They mean no harm and usually disappear by puberty (worst case).
So if you happen to see a kid strolling around with a blue butt in Japan (you would usually see lots of butts when you go to the neighborhood bathhouse) don't worry. Nobody's getting abused, they're just showing off their natural tattoos :)
Have a nice one and see you next time!
This lesson was written by Adriana, a guest contributor.