275 - Your name.

The other day I was scrolling through my YouTube sub box and saw a new video posted by one of my favorite Japanese YouTubers.

Anyway, a video with the title:
きみ の な は。 みて きた かんそう!
My thoughts after watching "your name."!
Literally: "'You + の + name + は'. + see + came + thoughts"

Caught my eye. And I'm glad it did! Turns out there's a new movie that just came out by Shinkai Makoto --probably my favorite anime-eiga director ever (I think my favorite movie of his so far is this one). Apparently 君の名は has grossed some 6.5 billion yen during it's first two weeks in theaters in Japan... Craziness.

The reason I like Shinkai-san's films so much is because of how beautiful they are. Art and storytelling both, they blow me away ^_^ They usually have something to do with the sky, or space, or travelling to a distant land. Or all three.

But! I think you'll know what I mean 'cause… Today we're going to break down the trailer for 君の名は。Hopefully you agree with me and together we'll be motivated to keep studying Japanese! If not… well, I'm sorry :P

(^^You can watch it by clicking this pretty picture right here^^)

Okay, so, let's get into it!

***The two characters speaking in the trailer are: 瀧(たき)くん and 三葉 (みつは)ちゃん**

あの日、星が降った日。 それはまるで
あの ひ ほし が ふった ひ。 それ は まるで
That day, the day the star came down. It was as if...
Literally: "that + day, + star + が + fell + day. That + は + as if/as though/just like"
Note: In the translation I included an ellipses (...) after "as if". This is because the nuance in the way Taki says "それはまるで" suggests that he's not quite done with the thought or that he's trailing off... which we'll see in the next scene is because Mitsuha picks up where he left off. It's rather pretty :')

まるで ゆめ の けしき の ように
うつくしい ながめ だった
It was a beautiful sight; it was as if I was dreaming.
Literally: "As if + dream + の + scenery + の + so as/as if + beautiful + scene/view + was"
Note: I had a hard time understanding the ように being used here in this sentence and I kept wanting to translate it in various different ways, but Chie (my Japanese wife) told me "No! Leave it as 'as if'". So I'll just have to take a native speaker at her word on this one ^_^ No idea why my brain can't understand it in this sentence.... Ah, well &_& maybe someday I'll laugh at myself for this confusion.

せんねん ぶり の すいせい の らいほう を ひかえた、 にほん。
It has been a thousand years since the last comet. Soon, one will be coming to Japan once again.
Literally: "One thousand years + after (period of time) + の + comet + の + visit + を + was soon, + Japan."
Note: I found this very difficult to translate... It just doesn't really seem to be something that one would naturally say in English. So that's why there's such a difference between the literal translation and the natural translation. Yet another example of Japanese and English not matching up well.

ほうかご わりい おれ きょう これ から バイト。
After school? Sorry, I have to work today.
Literally: "after school + bad/sorry + I (male form) + today + this + from + work (usually a part time job specifically)"
Note: は is removed in the sentence above from where it would be right after 俺. This is quite common in casual speech such as this.
Note 2: わりい, as you may have guessed, is a slangy form of 悪い (わるい)and is pretty much only used in casual speech.
Note 3: We had a lesson on バイト once! If you're interested, take a look here:[NDL #19] - The 40-Hour Part-Time Job.

もう こんな いなか やだよー。 こんな じんせい やだ。
Ugh, I am so done with the countryside. I don't want to live like this anymore.
Literally: "already (of exasperation), + such + countryside + no way + よ + like this + life + not a chance"

らいせ は、 とうきょう の イケメン だんし に して ください。
Please, let me be a good-looking boy living in Tokyo in my next life!!
Literally: "Next life + は + Tokyo + の + good-looking guy + young man + に + do + please"

Where am I?
Literally: "Where?"
Note: The "am I?" part of the translation comes from context. Yay for super simple Japanese :D

そういえば ずっと へんな ゆめ を みてた ような き が する んだ けど 
べつ の ひと の じんせい の ゆめ?

Hmm, I feel like I've just been in a weird dream for a long time… Like I was in someone else's life?
Literally: "come to think of it, + all along + strange + dream + を + saw + feeling + が + do + んだ (of explanation) + but + separate + の + person + の + life + の + dream?"

なん だ これ?
What's this...?
Literally: "What + is + this?"

であう こと の ない ふたり の であい。
The two most unlikely people to ever meet. // Encounter of two people that would never meet.
Literally: "to meet + thing + の + not + two people + の + encounter"

これって。。。 これって もしかして
This… Could this be…
Literally: "This + this + perhaps"

おれたち は ゆめ の なか で

Are we being switched in our dreams?
Literally: "We (male form) + は + dream + の + inside + で + to be changing places"

うごきだきした きせき の ものがたり。
And thus, the marvelous story comes alive.
Literally: "to come alive + marvel + story."

たしかな こと が ひとつ だけ ある。
There is one thing that is for certain.
Literally: "certain + thing + が + one + only + to exist."

わたしたち は あえば ぜったい すぐに わかる!
We would definitely recognize one another if we ever meet!
Literally: "We + は + would meet + absolutely + immediately + understand."

いおう と おもった んだ。
I was thinking that I would say this:
Literally: "Say + and + thought + (explanation) + is."

おまえ が せかい の どこ に いて も かならず あい に いくって。
Wherever you might be in this world, I promise I will come to you.
Literally: "You + が + world + の + thing + に + exists (animate) + も + without exception + meet + to go"

あなた は だれ?
Who are you?
Literally: "You + は + who?"

おまえ は だれ だ?
Who are you?
Literally: "You + は + who + is?"

きみ の な は。
What is your name?
Literally: "You + の + name + は."

この夏、 日本中が恋をする。
この なつ にほんじゅう が こい を する。
This summer, all of Japan will fall in love.
Literally: "This + summer + throughout Japan + romantic love + を + do."

Did you like the trailer?

I definitely can't wait to see the movie ^_^

For those who loved the song, too, you can find it here!

This lesson was written by Caleb, a guest contributor.

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