Hacking Japanese Supercourse - Full Access (Private Beta)

Hacking Japanese Supercourse

Full Access

This membership gives access to all of the Hacking Japanese Supercourse.

It includes:

  1. Hacking Japanese Guide (1-Year Super-powered study plan).
  2. Bunkai Beast Grammar Guide (Super simple, detailed Japanese grammar dissection).
  3. Toby In Tokyo Video Series (A fun story with lots of common, conversational Japanese).

Brief description of the 3 Courses included:

1-Year Japanese Mastery Guide

A 400+ page, practical, step-by-step guide on how to learn Japanese.

Delivered in 3 formats:

(1) Media-Rich PDF

(2) Printer-Friendly PDF

(3) Segmented Web Content

+ All Future Future Updates & Formats

Bunkai Beast Grammar Guide

A surgically detailed inspection of Japanese grammar.

(The first publication of this grammar guide will be available late August 2015.)

Toby in Tokyo Video Course

An epic story, Japanese video course, and quite possible the least boring way to study Japanese in the world.

This video series is still in its infancy.

Right now it includes:

~5 Minutes of Story Content (Video)

~2 Hours of Japanese Breakdown Lectures (Video)

~200 Pages of Story and Lecture Transcripts (PDF)

Anki Flashcards for Every Single Line of Dialogue

+ All Future Future Updates & Formats


Looped dialogue tracks for mastering Japanese pronunciation.


30-Day Money Back Guarantee

No-Questions Asked

If you are not totally satisfied with this guide for any reason at all, then please email me within 30 days, and I will immediately send you a refund, no questions asked. (Well, if you're cool with it, after I send you your refund I might ask you why you weren't totally satisfied so that I can improve this guide even more.)

My number one goal is to help people learn Japanese. If I can make a living helping people learn Japanese, then that's really awesome, but I would never accept money from someone who didn't think that they were getting their money's worth.

I personally have wasted so much money trying to learn Japanese, and I don't want anyone to ever feel that way about any of my products. Tackling Japanese is difficult mission. But I'm always here for questions, advice, motivation, or anything that can help you achieve your Japanese fluency goals.


p.s. If you personally cannot afford to pay for this Japanese learning guide, then please contact me personally, and we can work something out. I would never want to deprive someone of the opportunity to learn.

Above all, my goal is to help people to master the Japanese language, and I want to help as many people as I can. If possible, I would like to be able to make a living at the same time, because then I could create educational content about Japanese full-time. However, sharing knowledge should always take priority over money, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

Lifetime Access to All Future Updates

I know that some other resources out there make you keep paying in order to access their resources, but that just feels wrong to me. I feel like that would be hindering some people's ability and motivation to continue studying long-term.

And I would never want to come between a student and their journey to fluency.

The price of the course will increase as the amount of content grows.

But you will never have to pay for any of it, thanks to the awesomeness that is lifetime access.

Also, all content is downloadable.

Your Instructor


Yo! I'm Niko, the founder of NihongoShark.com. I'm also a Japanese translator, writer, and all-around language nerd. I created this site to help as many people master Japanese (any language, really) as possible.

I live in Tokyo, Bangkok, Sapporo, Saigon, San Diego, Tokyo, San Diego, Chiang Mai, Portland, Oregon! So if anyone wants to meet up for a refreshing nama beer, I'm probably down for that. Or a coffee. Learning Japanese can be rough. But we're in this together. ファイト!

Good luck with your studies!

This course is closed for enrollment.

Course Curriculum

  Hacking Japanese Supercourse
Available in days
days after you enroll

Courses Included with Purchase

Hacking Japanese Supercourse (Previous Version)
The (Once-)Ultimate Guide to Mastering Japanese
The NS Team
Toby in Tokyo
The Least Boring Japanese Course of All Time
5 Course Bundle
Bunkai Beast
A surgically detailed breakdown of Japanese sentence structure.
The NS Team

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
One purchase gets you lifetime access - across any and all devices you own. Plus, all content is also downloadable. So it's yours to keep forever and use as you please.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 30 days and I will give you a full refund, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
Is the course good for beginners?

Yes. In fact, it's designed for students ranging from absolute beginner to upper intermediate level. Even if you have had zero exposure to the Japanese language, this guide will take you on a step-by-step journey to Japanese fluency. For intermediate students, it will help you streamline your acquisition of Japanese vocabulary, grammar, kanji, and natural pronunciation.

Is the course good for high-level students of Japanese?

Yes and no. In general terms, the guidance in this course is applicable to any level of student. I've had some readers tell me that it proved extremely useful in learning languages other than Japanese, as well. That said, the practical guidance on specific vocabulary, kanji, and grammar that need to be attained will not pertain to advanced students (anyone over JLPT N2 level). If you are an advanced student of Japanese, and you would like some advice on some good ways to further your mastery of the Japanese language, then please email me personally, and I'll try to recommend a study program relevant to your level and interests.

What if this method doesn't work for me?

This study method is guaranteed to work for anyone that follows it faithfully. However, if you find that this study method doesn't appeal to your personally, then please email me within 30 days for an instant, no-questions-asked refund.

What is the format of the guide?

The 1-Year Mastery Guide is delivered in 3 formats: (1) Media-Rich PDF, (2) Printer-Friendly PDF, and (3) Online Course Delivery System (=this site you're looking at).

The Bunkai Beast Grammar Guide is delivered as a PDF & on this site.

The Toby in Tokyo Video Course videos are viewable on the course pages or available for download. Lesson notes are available in PDF format. Audio tracks are downloadable as mp3 tracks or avaialable for listening on the course site.

Future updates (which you will get for free upon purchase) are likely to be in other formats as well (e-readers, etc.). I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to deliver Japanese straight to your brain while you sleep, but I'm still waiting for some more advanced technology.

Why is it $37?
Good question. It's $37, because I believe that it's worth a lot more than $37. If I'd had this guide from Day #1 of my Japanese studies, I would have saved at least $1,000, if not ten times that. What can I say? I'm a sucker for anyone selling anything that has to do with learning the Japanese language. As such, when I set out to create this guide, my goal was to make people feel like it is worth way more than they paid for it. There are other Japanese learning resources out there that cost a lot more than this, resources that aren't as good as this one. So, in theory, I could charge a lot more for this, too. But language learning shouldn't be about money. The only reason I'm even charging for this guide at all is that I want to help more and more people learn Japanese. The best way to do that would be to work on Japanese learning resources full-time--exactly what this guide pays for. Upon understanding the depth and usefulness of the contents of this guide, me on my first day of Japanese studies would have readily paid $500 for it. And I wouldn't have regretted it, because I'd be a lot better at Japanese than I am today. Realistically speaking, most people aren't as passionate about buying Japanese languages study guides as me, though, so I'm charging (less than) 10% of that. If you buy this guide, and then you think that it wasn't worth the money, I will happily send you a refund. Good luck in your studies! Keep swimming! - Niko

Prices will increase with future updates.